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Everything posted by LeoSolo

  1. Yeah I know my gear ratios are too high for these fish, that's for sure! It would be nice to grab a 6...but I do think I will use this setup for all moving baits, so perhaps the 5.4~ would do the trick. Do you have any recommendation for reels for that ~5 gear ratio, and even the 6? I will say, the Curado K I use may not be the biggest reel, but my hand was stiff and hurting after that day of fishing. It's also quite heavy...I want to downsize the weight if I can... Do you have some recommendations for this setup for the spinnerbait, chatterbait, cranks, and paddle-tails?
  2. Just wanted to let you know, I took my baitcaster setup out and absolutely loved it! I could chuck my spinner bait 2/3's the distance of where I was fishing, and got 4 nice bites (short bites, no hookset) and a nice chunk! Now I am all into baitcasting! So fun!! However, I do think my gear ratio is too high, at 7.4. So I think I am going to convert this 7 MHF into a swimbait (paddletail), spinnerbait, chatterbait rod...I think a 5~ gear ratio will due. Thanks for the advice, I feel like I just upgraded to a new level as an angler!
  3. It is Seaguar Tatsu, which I have heard is a bit "light" but we shall see. I think it's just me, and maybe some practice will do me some good. I just got some 3/8's bullet weights, so looking forward to tossing them around and seeing how it goes. Thanks for the added advice and tips with the brakes and line conditioner!
  4. I see! I think there may also be the issue that I put the line on myself and may not have tightened the line as optimally as a machine would have...I suspect that may have some part to play. And wow! Now that's a great pro tip. But shucks, $70 just for the spool at that price its better to just get another reel...I'll have to figure this out or just keep practicing. Thanks for the advice man!
  5. Noted, I'll switch to 12lb line, assuming I still use the Curado 200. Those are great tips! I will use them when I try to learn how to use the baitcaster... I think I will stick with fluoro just because it simplifies things (other than backlashes)...braid to fluoro leader is annoying, I have it on three other spinning setups, I need some variation. I wish I could switch it out but I might be stuck with it. Been trying to resell this Curado for a while but only cheapskates seem to be interested. Do you think its really problematic and I should look into switching out the reel? I do think I will be floating on 1/2 and maxing out at 3/4 oz with some heavier spinnerbaits...This would be the reel I use for both the MHF 7' and MF 6'8
  6. Hey man, thanks for the awesome advice! So to clarify, my fishing conditions are clear, rocky bottomed or eel-grass covered, saltwater bays, jetties, and banks in SoCal. I am fish finesse since our fish are pressured/finicky. Max depth is 20 feet (ballpark) but most often somewhere from 5 - 15ft. All saltwater bass here are at the bottom of the water column. I'd like my own Swiss Army knife setup like yours, to cover all my baitcasting techniques. I have two older version Legend Xtremes: 7'MHF and 6'8 MF...But, only have one baitcasting reel: 7.4:1 Shimano Curado K. The 7'MHF is rated for 12-20lb line (3/8-1oz) and the 6'8 is 10-17, (1/4-5/8oz). What should my technique split look like? 10lb or 12lb line? I currently have 10lb spooled. 7'MHF: spinners...chatters...heavier t-rig... 6'8 MF: light T-rig.. Just curious, what will happen if the line rating is slightly lower? More prone to break? Also my Curado is birdsnesting like crazy...Is this common with this reel?
  7. Hi! I have this in the older model...I am having a hard time putting it to use because 3/8 feels like it is too heavy for finesse texas rigging. I was considering using it for my 1/2 oz spinnerbaits...What line do you through it with? I have a Curado K with 10lb test line...I tend to fish more finesse and am new to casting...
  8. Yeah I think it was someone who just didnt like St. Croix rods...it was one one of the buy/sell/trade forums. Or it was just an anti-St. Croix person.
  9. Have either of you heard anything about St. Croix and the company's health etc? I heard some random gossipy comment about them not doing well...just hoping that was some facebook buffoonery.
  10. If it's the Los Angeles Harbor Lighthouse I think that's impossible to reach by foot xD. I'll just fish that spot in my minds eye . Ty for the tips on the jig and swimbait fishing! This will be put to good use! Looking forward to engaging big fish like you have!
  11. Great advice and great suggestion! I caught a massive fish down there once...snapped my line but it was one of my prouder moments. I'll head down there soon. I am needing some fishing RnR
  12. That is a nice chunk! Regarding the fishing techniques for your recommended...What technique do you use for those? Personally, I have almost never caught fish swimming anything...it's always bottom-hopping or dead-sticking (w/dropshot and ned rig)...How do you fish the jig+craw? Btw, just went on a youtube cascade of float tubing...and I think this may be something I want to get into! I was debating getting into kayaking...but I am looking for something with an easier barrier to entry in case it's not for me. Any recommendations on float tubing? Did you get around with waders/wetsuit on and fins? Also, cool you're from Pedro. I am too. I fish mostly across the bridge in LB, the jetties and what not. Nothing glamorous.
  13. You seem to know your stuff! Curious, is fishing in late Fall/Winter even possible? I ask because I am studying all the time and wanting to have a fishing day here and there...but any time I've tried in the past during winter was unsuccessful.
  14. Now that is a savvy tip! Ty sir!
  15. Gorgeous scenery and fish! What setup do you rock for that surf fishing? Great info! Thank you :). Newport harbor was fun I went there once!
  16. Any St. Croix legends in there? Classifieds of BR?
  17. Hi all! Sorry to be that guy...But I have been hunting down this rod for a more affordable price for over a year now...and with all the chaos of life I forgot that Black Friday exists! So, does anyone know if St. Croixs can be found for discount and if you could maybe PM me a good site where I can finally get my dream rod? I feel that once I have that rod I can downsize so much of my gear and just use what I like. Thank you!
  18. Shimano reels go on sale for black friday!?
  19. That sounds amazing! I guess what I was looking for is encouragement that bank fishing is doable at said lake.
  20. Yeah, I catch fish with what I typically use, but I just wanted to see if a big Roboworm would work. Following traditional bass fishing advice tends to fall short for me in my experiences, and this was one way to see.
  21. Well I caught nothing xD. Supposed to be spotties, sand bass, and croaker.
  22. Went to my local spot with 4.5 inch Aaron's Shad Roboworm...Got 4-5 bites over 1.5 hours, nose-hooked. Not hits on wacky style...Didn't feel great :/. The plastic is particularly fragrant, but of a plastic scent, not a fishy smell...Not sure whats up. May need more testing.
  23. Hi there! Fellow Bank fisherman here...and complete newbie to freshwater fishing. My dream (or one of my dreams) is to catch a largemouth or smallmouth like all of the pros that I follow (Brent Ehrler, Jacob Wheeler, Seth Feider)...But, I have skunked so hard at some local lakes that I have never returned. However, I think it's time for me to get back on the horse and prove to myself that maybe I CAN get a fish out there and use some of the techniques and baits that the pros use. So, do you think its worth me making the trip to Castaic for a day of fishing? My biggest fear is to get there and skunk like I did before. It's about a 1 hour + drive for me from Long Beach/San Pedro area. I dont think I am going to blow up anybody's spot, I am 1) not that productive of a fisherman and 2) I catch and release and 3) don't fish that frequently especially for a location that far.
  24. Title is pretty much says it, but basically, we all know (or should know) that the sandworms kill it for saltwater fishing, inshore/surf etc. But, Roboworms look FUN! Their action looks great and since I am trying to perfect and specialize in dropshotting, then this wiggly worm seems like a winner. Unfortunately, google searches of "roboworm" and other variants of "saltwater" or "inshore" do not yield useful information. Q: Does anyone have experience tossing this classic bass fishing soft plastic for our SoCal inshore saltwater species? Has it been productive? FYI in my experience, It seems only the 2 inch worms have worked for me -shrug-. The smallest that Roboworm has is the 4.5 inch. Thanks! Tight lines.
  25. If you arer looking to get rid of one of those legend elites or Xtremes...spinning..I'm looking for one!
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