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Esox pro

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Everything posted by Esox pro

  1. Its either hair bands or using doubled orings that are one size larger
  2. Usually they fly off casting
  3. So i used 2 this year to secure it and increase hook up ratio pb is 7 fish then after it ripped mid cast Try to stop getting smallmouth to jump i try but they usually manage to jump at least once or twice
  4. I use 1/4 “ id od 3/8” of course they also come off when the fish jump
  5. Only rig i use while canal is filled Quiet riot had their share in 1983 With one oring they don’t really tear they just fly off easier and usually do
  6. Only trout i get are steelhead or browns when they start their run but i did catch a huge lake trout at summerville pier It actually looked like it was suffering from Barotrauma but I accidentally snagged it and revived it and i swam off So they will be fine when ice fishing
  7. Alright now that my insanity is changing im curious do hair bands and the other things tear into senkos like orings
  8. Alright for lake trout it seems to be 200ft Definitely confused as some people say they are fine and others say they aren’t
  9. Thank you wacky rig dropshot doesnt seem right as well it keeps the lure suspended and become of that if I wanted to use a dropshot there are otherbaits I would use that work far better
  10. Will definitely try your technique
  11. By the way thx for giving an answer and to the other guys who said closing the bail pulls it towards me
  12. Because if I wanted to dropshot I would use live night crawlers which is actually extremely effective for smallmouth and gobies live on the bottom they dont live in the middle of the water column
  13. So the fish with vent valves i dont have to worry about
  14. Not saying it won’t just saying it wouldnt look right and I usually deadstick and let it sit on the bottom So it looks like a dead goby
  15. Thx there are guys that drop shot there and do well its just dropshot doesn’t work with this presentation as gobies dont suspense
  16. To be honest I haven’t even tried the method i was just curious what is needed to get it to the bottom
  17. Also known as a Tokyo rig but gobys live on the bottom so i. Using a jig
  18. Boat not concerned off snags actually get them near weedbeds on dropoffs problem with dropshot is it keeps lure suspended off bottom which is what i dont want
  19. Did you fish it like normal or keep the bail open
  20. Live near numerous bodies of water where fish will go in deepwater especially smallmouth
  21. To sum it all up im using goby colored senkos so i want it to fall right to the bottom and stay on the bottom and since wacky rigged is most effective i was going to try that dropshot wouldnt work as gobies stay on the bottom
  22. Is there one size weight that will work for all sized fish for when making your own release weight
  23. Basically there is a senko color that ive fish wacky rigged in the erie canal for smallmouth and do really well but basically due to that same forage in the st Lawrence And the wacky rig being the best for me i want to do that but need the weight due to depth and current and a question ive had about fishing it in deeper water as i want it to sink but keeping the bail open might either let current take it or cause me to gut hook fish so i was curious what you guys would do as I didnt know if it would sink all the way down with the bail closed to sum it all up
  24. Yes because some people say lakers it doesn’t matter and others say it does and i want to know when to use a release weight for all fish in what depth
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