Hi T., not at all! I assume you saw a plaque, rather my point was alluding to ASU's 'documentation' or lack thereof. Where it seems this went wrong was my sarcasm, and poorly framed, high context dig at the endless ASU 'crowing' [pun intended]. Anyhoots, apologies for my part here ??♂️ FYI, there is no such memorial honoring Henshall now at any of the three PP ponds.
Dr. Henshall's efforts with fish and wildlife management are not without their controversies. Indeed, much of his early work with fish introductions have been repudiated because his work has a lack of evidence for his 'conclusions'; largely they were nothing but 'fisherman's wisdom' or common hearsay. Henshall treatment of scientific facts is now known to have alleged things that are simply wrong. Heck, they were all limited back then by technology and science research procedures! The modern study of fishes was in its infancy in the 1800s-to-early 1900s to say the least. LOLOLOL
Seriously, though, many of Henshall's fish introduction recommendations became biological and ecological disasters for local native fish populations. His work is specifically linked to the decline of native trout species in the US-American West. He displayed an incredible lack of basic understanding of fish behavior and biology or was he simply angling to place the bass over the venerable trout in the eyes of fishers world-over - wild, eh, dude!?
Guy must've had mighty powerful pull somewhere to be able to get away with the nonsensical things he pulled off!
FYI - my context for my interest and awareness on this all? Work-related working with wildlife biologists, biologists, science/bio-engineering researchers, and my creating-working-managing science communications, scientific promotions, etc. ??