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Everything posted by Keefu13

  1. I just order one! The highest gear XG got it for 280 dollars here in Japan.
  2. Hahaha will do! Thank you!
  3. Thank you, you are right I’m over thinking I think I will go with the bantam XG! Thanks for replying twice haha. Thank you. Where I fish is a tight little creeks by rice fields. I’m debating xg or or the pg
  4. I look into the lews pro ti thank you!
  5. Does winching power drop the higher gear ratio you go? Or do you even notice.
  6. What gear ratio do you own?
  7. Thanks yeah I guess I just can’t decide which is why I have posted again. What do you like about the bantam?
  8. Thank you! Yes I didn’t buy one before still thinking of using it for snakeheads. I want to try a Shimano. Does the tranx only have one handle? There are so many different reels by Shimano hard to choose haha. Curado,menatium,scorpion etc. I will look into it. I was thinking Shimano for this reel. Have you tried any Shimanos?
  9. Looking to get a new baitcaster for heavy cover fishing with a frog or punching a jig. What reel would you recommend?
  10. I got the Daiwa Tatula CT this summer great reel! I recommend it! I upgraded from a abu garcia blackmax as well.
  11. Definitely will be doing this. I plan on taking pictures of the part I am taking out before and after I take them out.
  12. thank you I have schematics for both of the reels!
  13. yeah that's a good thing to do. Maybe I will start with that.
  14. Going to work on an Abu Garcia Blackmax 3 to start since it was cheap. Other reel is a Daiwa Fuego CT
  15. Got it thank you. Noted thank you!
  16. Thank you. Degrease is for the ball bearings correct or for everything.
  17. Awesome. I will watch different videos before doing this then! Need to study on what to grease and what to oil that's one thing I am worried about lol. Also if it is needed to degrease or not as I don't know much about degreaser products in Japan.
  18. Thank you! I will watch this! Thank you I still have the schematics and will take pictures as I go. I have two young ones running around so when I have two hours or so I will start! Upon looking further at this oil and grease think it is similar to the ones in America. It even has a schematic showing where the oil and grease goes in color.
  19. Hello all. I am looking to do a good service on two of my baitcasters. Just some info I just started fishing last year in April! I live in Japan where the waters I fish are murky to muddy. I fish mostly for snakehead with a frog over heavy cover or a chatterbait. I was wondering any tips or tricks or even some encouragement on starting this process. I have looked online and read on here some people say it is easy some say it’s not! I am not very good at taking things apart, but I am willing to learn! Also will this Shimano oil and grease be good for everything that needs to be oiled and greased? Sorry for the long post.
  20. I have heard of Lews! Have not seen any here at the tackle shop though!
  21. Nice! I am looking at either Abu 5500 or 6500 model or a daiwa. Shimano Calcutta conquest is a bit pricy. Thanks for sharing! Hahaha I love it.
  22. I’ll look into it thank you! I see yeah I love the simplicity especially if you want to clean and maintain yourself which I intend to do. haha yes I am half Japanese and Japanese love tradition but sometimes holding onto the old gets in the way of moving forward here in Japan. It is totally opposite of America. Anyway thank you so much I will be looking into getting a round reel. I have wanted one since I see all the snakehead guys here with them! Thanks for helping me making this decision!
  23. Ryoga I have heard of them! I’ll look around! Thank you! Thank you! I will look into the curado! Wow thanks for the detailed response! What do you like about round reels more than low profile? Is it the feel or cast ability? I have heard that they are easier to clean and like you said customize. Thank you! I will check it out!
  24. Thank you for the recommendation maybe I can even find it at a used fishing shop near my house!
  25. Would the drag be enough for curado 200k? @roadwarrior same for the Daiwa? @BaitFinesse? Maybe I am looking too much at drag? I just started fishing last spring btw. @jimmyjoe most guys here use round reels Abu and Shimano. Those are both between 400-500 other guys use low profile baitcasters. Do you know anything about round baitcasters ? I have only ever used low profile ones.
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