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Everything posted by farmpond1

  1. I'm sure we're talking about the same fish and, even, the same location (below the spillway on Pickwick). I've also heard them referred to as poor man's tarpon. Anyway, they hit hard and put up a great fight. If I recall correctly, they leaped out of the water. We cast 3/4 ounce jigs heads with chartreuse and yellow twister tails in the seams of the eddy's down below the dam. What did you catch them on? I hear they make great catfish bait-though I put mine back. I wouldn't mind doing that again if I ever have occassion to be there again. I don't think Guntersville is too far from Pickwick.
  2. Gang, It's been awhile since this occurred but a friend and I went down to Pickwick Lake on the Alabama/Tennessee border. The weather wasn't great so we decided to run to the dam. While there, we saw some folks fishing for and catching Ladyfish/Skipjack (or at least that's what they called them). So we broke out our rods and went down to an eddy below the spillway and we had some fun with them too. Anybody else ever fish for skipjack? Everything I've looked up on the internet suggests they are saltwater fish but these fish were clearly in freshwater. Is this common?
  3. This is a family site so I'll refrain from commenting. ;) Oops, I already did.
  4. One buddy and I generally take turns (he drives one time and I drive the next). Another "friend" (who has previously accused me of being cheap) will announce, "Hey, let's go fishing." and then, after he's gotten me stoked, suggest I should drive-even though he, too, has a truck and a boat-and I had driven the previous time. Grrrr!!! Generally speaking, if it's a new guest, I never expect anything but once a person becomes a regular, it's nice if they share. Do I expect it? Yes, I suppose so. But when you go to the movies, don't you expect your friends to pay for their own theater tickets?
  5. There are strong parallels between boats and lures. The only way to get any value out of either of them is to use them. If you are really afraid or upset over scratching your boat or trailor or losing a lure, you probably ought to go with a cheaper boat and/or cheaper lures . Or, confine yourself to lakes with well manicured access roads and boat ramps. Personally, I consider the scratches and dents on my boat to be scars I can brag about. To answer your question, yes, you are a sissy. Er, I mean "wimpy." :) ;D
  6. You live 120 miles from nearest lake? How depressing is that?!! My advice: keep the boat but get a new job and relocate! You've done a nice job on the deck and carpet. How's the trailor?
  7. Is there something unique or special about this boat that makes it worth the extra expense of shipping? If it's an extra great deal, why? (Remember the old adage, "If it looks too good to be true, it probably is.") You might be paying a bunch of money to ship someone elses junk. That may sound pessimistic but be very cautious.
  8. That's what she said. ;D
  9. I'm probably going to be referred to an article for this question but I'm too lazy to find the appropriate one on my own. So here's my question: What's with all the additional hardware (beads, swivels, etc.) on a carolina rig? Is all of that necessary? I mean, can't I just secure a sufficiently heavy weight in front of my worm/lizard/creature bait without the extra hoo ha? I can't see how a soft bait can cause enough line twist to mandate a swivel. Please correct me if I'm wrong.
  10. Yeah, it looks a lot like a culprit to me.
  11. Maybe the hornets nest was buzzing but it wasn't stinging. Everyone has their opinion and there is probably some wisdom in what everyone had to say. What's frustrating for me is my friend- the one whose wife likes to boss him-will complain to me about how little personal space or freedom he has and then later if I happen to mention it, he acts as if there isn't a problem. It's embarassing for me. I'm largely to the point where I don't care and he's entirely on his own.
  12. Nice fish. What did you catch it on and how? As already mentioned, this looks like some nice fishy waters.
  13. Sarah Connor was hot! Which actress gets the privilege of playing her part?
  14. Almost daily, a person in an oversized vehicle (usually a SUV) will zoom up beside me at a 4 way stop, pull waaaaaay up beyond the line in the left turn lane, thus preventing me from seeing around him/her. I'm stuck sitting there while they proceed along their merry way. This is very effective at promoting expletives to stream forward from my mouth. C'mon people! Think about more than just yourselves for a change! This is a general rant and not directed at anyone on this site.
  15. 1) Tie some bass flies. 2) Pour over maps of lakes I plan to fish in '08. 3) Save $$$ in order to buy gas to drive to lakes I want to fish in '08. 4) Visit this site regularly. 5) Scrape dried nightcrawlers off hooks.
  16. First, stay away from the bargain bin at Walmart. The lures there might seem a bargain but most of them run like crap. If you know the waters and conditions you are most likely to experience, you can save a considerable amount of money. Ask the locals (the folks not wearing NASCAR jumpsuits and lure patches all over their bodies) what works for them on a regular basis. If you want to be versatile in your color range without going overboard, select white or silver lures, dark hues such as black or navy, and bright orange or chartreuse baits. These will cover (most) situations. Of course you will likely expand on that some (don't we all) but it's a good start. Ignore people who tell you you gotta have a specific brand in a specific color. They are already afflicted by the bait monkey. I could go on and on but I hope this helps some.
  17. "Run things by" is a good way to put it. But for some (and thankfully, I'm not one of them) it isn't as simple as running things by one's spouse. I can see how some who haven't experienced it wouldn't understand it but there are controlling spouses/partners (both male and female). I respect my girlfriend and she respects me. And both of us have the freedom to do what we want. We try to work as a team. But we have a friend who isn't so "lucky." Even my girlfriend (a female perspective) thinks his wife is far too aggressive and domineering. It bothers me but what am I going to do? Except, perhaps, vent on forums such as this. :-/
  18. Yes, there is (or should be) a distinction between coordinating plans/addressing responsibilities and asking for permission. I help my g-friend round the house and with yardwork every week and in return she never gives me a hassle when I want to go fishing. And if she wants to go out with her friends, that's fine too. If she regularly nagged me about my fishing, I'd be singing "I'm gonna miss her..."
  19. I have to agree with you there (but perhaps in not-so-strong language). We all have responsibilities (some more than others) and we need to honor the important people in our lives. Balance is important but for cryin' out loud! We shouldn't need permission (also known as a kitchen pass) for everything we do. Neither should our spouses. I have a friend who is forever doing what his wife wants him to do while his boat sits idly in the driveway and he declines (most) invititions to fish in order to avoid the wrath of his wife. Obviously, this is a topic I feel strongly about.
  20. Certainly, compatibility is important. I've noticed over the years that with some people, no matter how hard I try to get along, it's always a struggle, and with others, it's an absolute breeze. And being on a boat all day with someone will easily separate the sheep from the goats. I've found a good trait to possess is humility. I've had fishing buddies who could fish circles around me. But I never minded because they carried it off with grace and humility. And then there are others who make me grit my teeth with every fish they catch. Sore winners are probably worse than sore losers.
  21. This is a rather rhetorical question since I pretty much know the answer but I'll ask it anyway. What would you say are the most important qualities in a good fishing partner?
  22. I don't claim to belong to the morality police but the accusations of dishonesty did seem a bit harsh. Especially since the facts (external validation from a news source-in this case) weren't yet in.
  23. After watching the Rose Bowl, I wished there had been at least one less. Phooey!
  24. Surely you don't believe everything you see in movies?! Or whatever comes out of a politicians or lawyers mouth?
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