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Everything posted by farmpond1

  1. Biologists (and, more likely, politicians) often cow down to pubic pressure.
  2. This question is obviously directed to those who reside/fish in a different universe than me. Since my largest bass is just over 6 lbs (and I've been fishing for 35 years), I'll just be happy if I remain healthy enough to keep fishing.
  3. That dog has guilty written all over him. He's so cute. If you charged a cat with a similar offense, it would simply look at you like, "Yeah, so what if I did?"
  4. Repeat 3 times quickly: One smart feller, he felt smart Two smart fellers, they both felt smart.
  5. By most deceased peoples standards I'm purty smart.
  6. Hmmm....this is pretty much what I was thinking. Eventually you'll look back on this and wonder why the heck you took it all for granted. Enjoy your time, enjoy your youth, enjoy your health. And fer cryin' out loud, go fishing!
  7. Rather than being nihilistic, saying nothing can be done, and continue to live pigishly or, conversely, adopting a self-loathing attitude believing that humans are parasitic vermin and that we need to voluntarily become instinct, wouldn't it be better to work towards a better future of informed and responsible living. Instead of promoting zero (or negative) population, encourage modest family sizes. Instead of driving a gas guzzling behemoth to work every day, take the bus or drive a modesty sized vehicle. Instead of keeping the thermostat at 75, turn it down to 65 and lower at night. The world could be a better place and it still can be but VHEMTwill not fly with the masses nor, probably, should it.
  8. That would be me.
  9. Yeah, good luck with that. If you marry someone who doesn't "approve" from the git go, she'll still nag you to death about it. Whomever the lucky bride turns out to be-she doesn't have to like fishing so long as she respects you. So be picky and pick wisely.
  10. Derrr...I don't get it. Just kidding. That was a good one! In a similar vein, It's not my fault I'm so pessimistic. My blood type is B negative.
  11. Not working for me either (as of 3 minutes ago).
  12. Depends, who said it blows chunks? Was it a real critic, cause if so then I got to be seeing it. Ain't nothing a critic hates that i have not liked. I got my reviews from Rotten Tomatoes. Critics gave it 32%. Most said it was all action and special effects with no substance. This is generally how i feel about most movies these days. The "audience" gave it a 66%-which is better but not great. Although it would probably be better on the wide screen, I think I'll wait until it comes out on video. Think I'll go see "The King's Speech" instead.
  13. I was so looking forward to seeing a decent Sci Fi film. The special effects looked awesome but now I hear Battle: Los Angeles blows chunks like nearly everything else! Anyone see it?
  14. You didn't pick any shrimp tails outta that ice cream did ya? If so, you might consider changing the beneficiary on your life insurance policy.
  15. El cheapo is what I call them. No mention whatsoever of compensation? No, I don't think your request is unreasonable. Gas costs money as does wear and tear on your Suburban.
  16. That's what they said about the passenger pigeon, too. :-[ Sorry to bust your chops. Be careful what you say, though. Call someplace paradice, kiss it goodbye. Too many people treat crappie like an inexhaustible resource and keep way too many (IMHO).
  17. I have calculated that I'll need to live to be three hundred and twelve to use all baits I have. Oh wait! I put the decimal point in the wrong place. It's actually three thousand one hundred and twenty years.
  18. Hey Laus, I just now wrote something on your thread in the women's section. I hope your questions/comments/concerns weren't directed to women only. Ironically, it seems that men are more likely to write in the women's thread than women-hence, I think, your consternation. I can't speak for women and I sometimes feel like I hardly represent men either but I'm fine with women fishing-so long as the emphasis remains on fishing and not something else. As I wrote in the other thread, perhaps men need a man cave which bass clubs may be an extension of. This may be an overgeneralization but some men, at least, have their home lives dominated by their significant other. The honeydo lists, the home decor, the social calendar. Maybe men want something they can call their own. I like it when my girlfriend goes fishing with me but I wouldn't like it if all her friends came along and began dictating terms, etc. See where I'm going with this? Maybe I'm wrong but these are just some thoughts.
  19. I never know if I'm supposed to contribute to the woman's forum or not. Anyway, I'd like to believe you'd receive better treatment than what those clubs have given you but maybe that's really how they are? What, specifically, are you asking for? Just to join? If so, that's a shame. I've been accused of playing the devil's advocate too often but I'm trying to understand what the big deal is with them. Are they afraid women will take over the club? Do the men fear their opportunity to have something of their own will be taken away? I'm convinced that men need their man caves. Maybe fishing clubs are extensions of this. Again, I'm not supporting their treatment. I'm just trying to understand. Any other thoughts?
  20. I'm using the MTD bus more often so that will offset some of the extra expense. It appears more people are doing the same 'cause the bus is usually packed.
  21. Welcome! I promise not to horn in on your spot but where, in Southern Illinois, are there smallmouth? Surely not the Big Muddy.
  22. This is a picture of your wife? Wow, sorry to hear that!
  23. It would seem ungracous of me if I didn't pipe in and congratulate him here, too. I was along with Bwell when he caught those bass but sad to say, I got skunked. We talked about what he did differently than me (i.e., correctly) and it was either the jig/trailor he was using (I finally broke down and borrowed one), that he was more accurate with his casts (precisely into the brush, pockets, and/or undercut banks), or the slooooow method he used to retrieve the jig (or all of the above). At any rate, bwell did a fine job and he earned each one of those bass. The next time he skunks me though, he goes swimming!
  24. Not since I changed to "left-handed" reels. I wouldn't go back.
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