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Herbert Lorenzo

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Everything posted by Herbert Lorenzo

  1. Just a guess , but I wonder if maybe actual in person visits to stores is way down due to pandemic and these stores are doing most business now a days online ?
  2. This topic brings back memories and makes me laugh . 37 years ago I talked my wife into going fishing with me . To perk her interest I told her I was going to buy her a brand new rod and reel and new lady's tackle box . I figured she would last maybe one trip before giving fishing up as a fun activity. Not wanting to throw good money away I bought her a makeup box for a tackle box and a low priced Zebco reel . After a few trips it started raining and I asked her to help reel up some of my rods . She started reeling stopped and stared at me and said , " How come your reels don't t make the sounds mine make and don't shake when I turn the handle ? " Yes ,even newbies can tell the difference. Lol ... PS she still fishes and catches some nice Bass .
  3. My last cast is when I realize there must have been a massive " unreported fish kill here last night " because I had this Bass Fishing thing all figured out this morning and I just got ....skunked.
  4. Went out this morning weather turned real hot quickly , tried old lures , buzzbaits , stickbaits , even got desperate enough to try flying lures for the first time , finally got a dink on the reliable ned rig . Wish hunting season was open might have better luck .lol
  5. My favorite , and seems has been for ever is Culprit Red Shad .
  6. Years ago I was fishing in an area that was secluded . I had an alarm installed in my truck so I figured I could hear the alarm if it was triggered . I figured wrong . When I got back to my truck the window was busted out and all my work tools were stolen . I never heard the alarm and maybe that was a good thing being alone , and unarmed no telling how many thieves may have jumped me . I never go fishing alone any more . I always go with my friends Smith and Wesson .
  7. Wow ..a beauty. Fat fish , has been eating well . Congratulations
  8. You hit the nail on the head....well said .
  9. Weathers been about the same as yours the past week . It's been hard to figure what the bass want , one day a stick bait the next , a buzz bait , no pattern 2 days in a row ...guess that's what makes bass fishing a challenge . Glad things picked up for you .
  10. It's fun isn't? When they want it like that they will literally rip the rod out of your hand . Seems like those caught with that technique tend to be good size fish . Thanks for sharing .
  11. I've heard people say they leave it on and others say they shut it off . I shut it off , but once I forgot to shut it off drove home and left it on the next day I freaked out but there was no harm done .
  12. I got skunked 4 days in a row at one location a few months back , the 5th day was fantastic because I threw in the towel and fished somewhere else . Like the song says..you have to know when to walk away .
  13. Threw a senko all morning and only 1 nibble and that was a pan fish. The bass didn't know they were supposed to bite it . Lol . What a difference 5 days make , they were fighting over it then. Had the Ned tied on but it was time to go.
  14. Looking through some old tackle boxes to see what's salvageable and what needs to be tossed . Found a bunch of Flying Lures that are supposed to move away from you and go under structure where it might be hard to otherwise cast to . I have never tried to use these and I have different sizes . Has anyone ever fished these and been successful, or were they a gimmick and not worth the time trying . If they did work what kind of fish did they catch . Thanks .
  15. There's a lot of exotics in Florida and they do like to nip at the senkos but if in doubt I try a hook set . Seems like a lot of the time it's easier to feel the bream packing at the bait than the actual bass chopping on it .lol
  16. Have you tried the thin 5 inch senko by Yamamoto ? Fished shallow in the morning presents a different look to fish used to seeing thicker 5 and 6 inch senko. In deeper water try trolling to locate actively feeding fish that may be following moving schools of bait. Hope this helps .
  17. The fishfinder will help you locate baitfish and bass will not be far from food sources.
  18. Earlier this week I was fishing the shoreline with the boat in about 7 foot depth casting towards shore useing a buzzbait . No bass was interested fishing it topwater as it is meant to be fished . Later I got distracted while reeling lure back towards boat , stopped reeling and lure fell down to bottom and a bass hit lure the moment I started to reel again . I then purposely kept the lure close to bottom as I slowly reeled it back , in a short period of time landed two more bass that literally tried to destroy the lure they struck so violently. Honestly maybe I should have changed lures and put on a spinnerbait to do it correctly but , maybe sometimes working a lure "wrong" gives it a different look that bass have not seen before and take a bite . .
  19. Berkley Lightning Rod own several and I'm happy with their performance.
  20. Great advice. One of the best instruction tools on you tube .
  21. Here a few , favorite rod brakes with help from my knee . Brand new expensive lure goes flying away on 1st cast birdsnest ., drop rod and reel into gator infested water never to be seen again . Driving down busy street when boat and trailer came loose off hitch which was the same day my cousin threw $10 dollars worth of bait over side of boat forgetting to tie stringer to live bait bucket (never found bait bucket)and finally not one but two terrifying days caught in bad storm with outboard not starting .
  22. Find bait fish deep by turning on fish ID to small fish . Predator fish will not be far away from small panfish that will be indicated on your Helix ..
  23. I just learned something . Thanks for the info . Found it interesting in that I recently introduced some into my goldfish pond .
  24. Fish feed at certain times . Make no more than 10 cast at the area holding fish . Move if you do not catch fish . Try another area holding fish and repeat another 10 casts . Continue this method marking GPS locations. After several stops useing GPS marked locations go back to your first stop .those fish may be feeding now. 3 hours is tough fishing time limit scenario but remember no more than 10 cast to holding fish , if they are not biting try coming back after you try another spot with fish that may be feeding . Good luck .
  25. Shoulder issues affecting normal casting arm . Did what I had to do , now casting with left arm when possible . If that gives out will learn to cast with feet . Not giving up my fishing or hunting without a fight .
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