Hello all and thanks for having such a great website/forum. Finally joined after lurking around for a little bit and have been impressed by the knowledge and willingness to share shown by the members.
I grew up in a non-fishing family in Virginia and not sure how I got so hooked on fishing. I was always really interested in fish and I think it goes back to my love of aquariums as a child. So when I was 8 my dad got me my first Zebco spincast outfit. We were in Myrtle beach that summer and of course the rod had to go. One of my dad's friends was an angler and rigged me up for some pier fishing. Lo and behold I caught a really nice pompano and it was on for life. I still remember one old timer walking by, looking in my bucket and saying "You caught that fish, on that little rig?"
So now I'm in Michigan the last 20 years after a long time in Indiana and working over the smallish local lakes for bass and crappie mainly. Still like to get after Michigan trout and steelhead when I can but have really developed an interest for smallmouth the last few years. We get up to some of the northern lakes about once a year but would like to do that more. Next step is to get out on St Claire and Erie now that I have a boat that will handle bigger water. This year was supposed to be the start of that but you all know how this year has been, kinda stickin close to home for now.
Anyway, glad to be here and hope to contribute when I can.