Hi all, I'm not going to bore you with how I got here but hoping for some insight. I am looking at getting open surgery to fix my tennis elbow or as a last resort trying PRP injections which are crazy expensive and not covered by insurance. I am hoping to get your experiences on either one, recovery time before you could fish and set the hook again, what you would have done differently if anything and if the problem was fixed and if it came back.
I'm 11 months into this journey so far and have this crap in both elbows, but my right is waaaaay worse. I usually fish 2-3 days a week but have not been fishing in 5 weeks as no chance i could ever set the hook or hold a rod with something pulling on the other end. I need to get this fixed as my time is about out before I need my back fused as well. I am in Northern Virginia if you have a surgeon you would recommend for elbow or back.
Thanks in advance for any responses.