It all depends, of course. But if you're fishing from the bank on a quiet day that doesn't see a lot of human activity, the fish are usually going to be easily spooked. Sometimes so much, that I'll cast from 10 feet back from the bank and try to hide in the reeds so they don't see or hear me.
Now, sometimes the sound of a splashdown can attract the bass. Sometimes it can scare them away. Sometimes it's a good idea to cast it out, and then let it sit for a minute or more before reeling it in. Give it enough time for the fish to forget about the splash. I do this a lot with top waters, especially poppers. And sometimes it's good to pitch your bait, or side arm it low to the water and kill it just before it hits the water to minimize the splash. There are lots of ways to play it, and it depends on a lot of things, like the angle of the sun, the wind, normal human activity, and the normal ambient noises.
So if they're acting like they spook easily, I'll try not to overfish an area, and I'll move around a lot. I feel like if you're not making too much of a ruckus, you can double back over your spots in about 15-20 minutes, and the fish will have forgotten you were there earlier. But if it's windy and the water is pretty stained, I may hit the same area over and over for 15 minutes straight.