Most of my hooks are either barbless or the barb is crushed. In fact, I'm in the process of replacing the trebles on my lures with barbless trebles for my trip to Ontario in late August. I haven't crushed the barbs on my jigs yet. Still up in the air on that, since I use soft plastics, and sometimes bait with them. I'm mainly a fly fisher, and all my flies are barbless, including the small jigs I tie some of my bass flies on.
Main reasons, easier to get the hook(s) out of me or my clothes and of course the fish. Easier to get out of the net if the lure gets tangled. Often easier to get out of snags or hang ups. A lot of the lakes I fish for bass have chain pickerel, musky and sometimes pike in them easier to unhook them quickly.
Will I lose more fish, possibly, but I haven't lost many hooked on lures with barbless trebles. Most of my lost fish have been on flies, but as I think about it, it's not really the barbless hooks, but how I'm fighting the fish whether it's with a fly rod or spinning rod. As I've improved my fighting technique the number of lost fish, particularly with the fly rod have gone down.