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John St

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Everything posted by John St

  1. I have a bunch of extra pompano rigs from surf fishing. Will they work for freshwater bass? I figured they’re similar to a drop shot rig, so I’m hoping the answer is yes.
  2. Yes, very similar. Mine is black but same basic design.
  3. For the cupholder issue, I bought a metal plate that I screwed into the face of the factory vertical rod holder, then bought a plastic cupholder with magnetic strips on Amazon. The magnets are very strong and it works well. It has survived a midwest winter with no issues. I might be able to find the product if you're interested.
  4. I've had my 10e for two years now, I have seen so many cool modifications on this thread, some of them very creative. I'm curious what everyone's must-have mods are. Mine are functional, not creative. 1. Scupper drain in back...by far the most important. 2. Foot switch for trolling motor 3. Not really a mod, but an accessory. A retractable line cutter that clips to the seat, so I don't have to open my tackle box every time I have to cut line.
  5. choppertime, look at the video posted by Tuna below. This is easy to do and makes a huge difference in enjoying this boat...no more bailing. I followed this same video a couple years ago, and it has held up well. Sorry, the word "below" was a mistake...the video is actually on the prior page....at any rate, in youtube, if you search "scupper drain for bass raider", it is the 11 minute 49 second video with a guy in a blue shirt....sorry I don't know how to attach it.
  6. I have a similar setup, except I use the shaft from an old trolling motor, and attached a product called Bullnose Rudder. I think it was about $35 for the rudder online. Same principle as your set up. If you have an old paddle lying around, your option is cheaper. Mine works awesome also.
  7. Christ2000, sorry you haven't gotten any replies. I live in a freshwater location so I'm unable to help. I do think somewhere on this thread, saltwater has been discussed. Maybe do a search for it.
  8. I like the general idea! Maybe I could partially bury some 4-6 inch PVC and make it semi-permanent. It's on my property. What do you think?
  9. I live on a small 9 acre lake. The banks are lined with riprap. I have cleared the riprap from an area just large enough for me to drag my bass raider in and out. Right now I just lay astroturf-type carpet over the dirt to drag the boat on, but I am trying to figure out how to avoid dragging the carpet around in the future. I have thought about laying sand or pea gravel. I am afraid the sand will get nasty and buggy, but then I am also afraid the pea gravel will scratch the hull over time. Any suggestions from this intelligent group?
  10. If you look through this thread, there is lots of discussion about that. I have seen where folks have used self tapping screws, rivets, rivnuts, and well nuts. I have never read where any of those folks have had any issues. I got my boat a couple months ago, and I am trying to resist the temptation to drill into it (other than adding a drain plug, which seems like a must-have to me). Good luck; these boats are a lot of fun.
  11. Great news, I just taped the wire back together and I'm good as new. It was getting dark when I paddled back last night, so I didn't really get a chance to look at it at when I got back. I think what maybe happened is I had tilted the boat on its side to hose it out, and when I did so, I think the edge of the boat crimped that wire and cut it right where the in-line fuse is taped in. I am surprised it worked at all, but I guess maybe when we were out on the water we bumped it and knocked it loose. Thanks Born 2 Fish for your reply.
  12. I did not pull the fuse out, because I wasn't sure what I was doing, but the wire was quite hot. Are you suggesting maybe I should just tape it up as is, and if the fuse isn't blown, all is good? If I do take it out, do I just tape it up also?
  13. I apparently ran the Bass Raider too hard on a joy ride with the wife. Ran my 45 thrust wide open for a while, and it crapped out on me. The black covering over the fuse on the red wire that came with the boat split open, and I am assuming I fried the fuse. I also use the Minn Kota Power Center that has a breaker. I have read that with that breaker, you can cut out the fuse on the red wire that came with the boat, and not use a fuse any more. If anyone reading this knows what they are doing (obviously I don't!), do you agree? How do I go about that? Would I have to splice the line back together?
  14. I don't know if poster "Murphy S. Law" still checks this board...he made the following statement last year. I'd like to know if that worked for him. I had that issue on maiden voyage with this boat the other night.
  15. I know people have added scuppers. I plan to do so, and actually bought a drain plug today at Academy. There is a guy on youtube that did so and sealed it with rubber gaskets that are basically like big hose washers. I am afraid those would wear out and get brittle over time. Most people use 3M 5200 marine sealant; you can find descriptions of how they did it somewhere in this thread; I will be looking for those posts again myself. So I just took delivery of my Bass Raider last week, and I decided I wanted to mount my TM to the bow, and put a plug on it to plug into the receptacle in the bow. However, I don't know much about electric work, so I decided to have the pros do it, and took it to a marine dealer. I showed them a picture of the female receptacle, which has three holes, apparently for a three-prong plug. Well I picked it up when the work was done, and when I got home realized they put on a two-prong plug. At first I screamed *****!, but then realized I was able to still plug it into the receptacle. I tested it, and it worked. Does anyone with experience with this stuff think I should be concerned about using a two pronged plug in this receptacle? Also, does anyone know if you can charge the battery while it is in the Minn Kota Power Center box? I was a little nervous about the lack of ventilation, so I took it out of the box, but I'm not sure if that was necessary. I am new to this boating stuff, and have much to figure out.
  16. Yes, I got an email that it was shipping.
  17. I hate to beat a dead horse, but I need to ask...I just read a review that said the Bass Raider has 8 gauge wiring. The plug I asked about earlier today (below) says it is 10 gauge. Is that OK that its a larger gauge than the Pelican wiring? I know nothing about anything electrical. SEACHOICE 13751 Trolling Motor Plug Straight Male 12V by SEACHOICE 5.0 out of 5 stars 4 ratings List Price: $14.43 Price: $12.99 & FREE Shipping You Save: $1.44 (10%) Get $70 off instantly: Pay $0.00 $12.99 upon approval for the Amazon Prime Rewards Visa Card. No annual fee. Male trolling motor plug ensures secure electrical connection 6 inch leads For use with 12V trolling motors 10 gauge wire Face plate 1-3/4 inch x 2-1/2 inch
  18. My boat finally arrived yesterday (ordered May 3), so at least you know they are still manufacturing them; you'll get it eventually. It's very frustrating, believe me I know. I wish I would have had it for the spring fishing season. I never saw a reply to Neil's question above. Is the product in the link the correct plug choice to splice onto the trolling motor wires?
  19. I bought a Minn Kota Power Center (battery box). It doesn't come with any sort of manual. Inside the box is a little plastic package with four screws and two of some sort of plastic mounting things. Does anyone know what these are for?
  20. OK now I need some advice. As stated in the previous post, my 10E will be here next week. I have a Minn Kota Endura Max 45 lb thrust trolling motor on the way to me. I also bought the Minn Kota Power Center Box. The box says its compatible with group 24 and 27 battery sizes. I know nothing about batteries. Do I just go to Wal Mart and ask for a group 27 deep cycle marine battery? I don't even know what any of that means. Are there certain models/brands I should be looking at? Any other terminology i need to know?
  21. OK, so here is my update as requested....Bass Pro told my wife that the boat was being transported by ABF Trucking, but they had no tracking info. Then she called ABF, and they told her that the truck will be at the terminal in my area (St Louis metro area) this Friday the 19th, and at my house on Monday the 22nd. Fingers crossed!
  22. My order date was May 3. Although they said it shipped, there is no tracking info available, so hopefully it really is on the way, who knows.
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