I’ve been fishing swimbaits for a while and I love them. I particularly love glide baits, simply because they are a ton of fun to fish, and it just makes sense why a bass wants to eat one. A lot of my friends enjoy huddleston’s and other more “realistic” swimbaits. I personally can’t find any joy in throwing them, simply because 99% of the time when fishing one of these baits they are just creeped along the bottom...I would much rather just fish a jig. But if you watch trout or Kokanee, they are never moving at a snails pace on the bottom, they are schooled or moving about the water column. Whiskeytown Lake and Shasta Lake are my home waters, and I’ve seen both Spotted and Largemouth bass ambush and attack trout and Kokanee, coming from the beneath them. I can smash these fish on glides, but never on anything else. I want to start fishing more realistic baits just to expand my horizon, but I just want to better understand how to fish them and why I should fish these baits on the bottom, when the fish they are imitating are not swimming on the bottom??