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Greg Crockett

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About Greg Crockett

  • Birthday 08/20/1948

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location

    Auburn, Alabama
  • My PB
    Between 7-8 lbs
  • Favorite Bass
  • Favorite Lake or River

    St Johns, FL

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  • About Me

    71 years old


    Braves fan

    Falcons fan

    fish many species, but mostly bluegill and red ear


Greg Crockett's Achievements


Fry (1/9)



  1. Awesome!! Another piece to the puzzle. That probably accounts for the missing small lever that is beside the shifter in many YouTube videos I've watched. I'm 99% sure that the problem was operator ignorance, but I'm learning thanks to you guys. Many thanks!! Greg
  2. Thanks for the feedback Tom and NMatthes. Two hints that I suspect will improve the situation are where to attach the lanyard clip and to push the key in for a few seconds before starting. The picture looks exactly like my Run switch and lanyard clip. And I knew nothing about the key depress for the choke. So I think I will be in the money thanks to y'all! To be safe, I plan to change gear oil, spark plugs and visual inspection throughout before I try to start it again. Also the tank is a little under half full, so I plan to add gas and some Seafoam. I ordered ear muffs and once they arrive, I'll try to just start it using the two hints y'all provided. Most of the lakes I go to are trolling motor only, so my fishing won't be delayed. FYI, my motor is a 2-stroke, but I'm not sure about carbs vs FI. Will know soon. Thanks so much for your kind help!! Greg
  3. I recently bought a 2008 Triton VT 17 from a dealer 150 miles away. I just tried to start the Mercury 50 last weekend, as have been using only my trolling motor on lakes with NO gas motors allowed. My friend and I were unable to get it to start. The starter turned over quite well, but seemed to not have the gas to take over. I have never owned a gas motor larger than 5 hp manual start, so was not surprised with my inability, but my friend is more knowledgeable than me, as he has a 40 hp electric start. He expected that there should be a choke somewhere, and/or a throttle. We could find neither, so maybe the Forward/Reverse positions include variable speed controls!?! I also questioned whether the gas tank should have a release valve to prevent a vacuum from forming, but none to be found. There is also a Run switch under the shift handle that didn't seem to matter. And there is an unattached lanyard, but no apparent place to insert it. The dealer had no manual from the prior owners, but they claimed they had done a full service on it and a compression test, which meant that the motor was started. So I'm concluding that I have an insufficient process - or that they just lied. If anyone has a manual, I would gladly pay for you to get a copy printed and send to me, and pay you for your trouble. A digital copy would be great!! Or if anyone knows what steps I'm missing. My procedure now is as follows: 1) Lower motor to full down position. 2) Place shift handle in neutral position. 3) Turn key to On position for a few seconds. 4) Turn key to Start position. Rinse and repeat... Thanks for any help!!
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