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Everything posted by Maico1

  1. Here is a good read....http://www.bassmaster.com/understanding-bass-forage-crawfish They work in the Fall as well......one of my favorites is the LV- 500 Max in Aurora Craw. Here is a link for color only: http://www.ebay.com/itm/LUCKY-CRAFT-LV-500-Max-Aurora-Craw-/370323009674
  2. I guess I would be in this catagory considering the reels that I own..Let me be clear the products I use are not purchased to show off, they are purchased to be fished,to be reliable, to last, to operate with precision and most important for my enjoyment. With that being said I have always been attracted to technology and openly welcomed the changes in fishing gear over the last 10 or so years. But at the same time realized a long time ago there is a penalty for enjoying technology and that is the price tag attached to it. Now I watch a lot of you get your tails in a knot because this model or that model is not what it used to be so therefore it now stinks.. Well to some degree you get what you pay for. Just look at this post alone a lot of you have your minds made up that you will not spend over a certain dollar and anything above that is just not worth it or you are not fishing for whales.. I for one do not have a problem with that and will never slam you for what you fish with because that is what you enjoy to do. So many times these discussions turn into a nightmare and I want to be clear that not my intent . I only ask you to respect me the way I respect you after all we enjoy fishing don't we. So lets see how far this goes for I would certainly like to share more on this subject but not if it turns negative because then it is just not worth to me.
  3. Before you buy this product you may want to check out this video and save a few bucks...... http://www.dailymotion.com/video/xwvwqz_armor-all-custom-shield-vs-plasti-dip-spray_auto#.UQpzGaWhDlI
  4. That is a reel sweet looking combo.....Looking forward to your durability testing results. I would consider doing a Conquest 50....
  5. You my friend have gone into the Hard Deck and to think of Wild Bill with his SeaGull thing.......
  6. I have been using S G for a couple of years now for my Jig and Worming and just nosed over for a couple of CrankBait rods myself. Only problem is there is still ice on the water so they have not been field tested, however I do like the feel of them.
  7. Those Pop Max things.............
  8. I agree there is more adjustability with Calais however I think they all have a place, at least in my arsenal.....If comparing the Calcutta100DC to Conquest 100 DC I would recommend the Calcutta you will get more distance out of it. I use both for followup TopWater setups to my Calais 200DC so that means something to me. Otherwise I enjoy them all...... Calais 200DC- Frog Rod TWFR 935C Calais 200DC- TopWater Rod SMR 702C-TW Calcutta 100DC- MBR 782C IMX Secondary TopWater Calcutta 200DC- CrankBait CBR-756C Great for ripping LipLess Cranks. Calcutta 200DC- CrankBait CBR 783C GLX Calcutta 200DC-CrankBait CBR 785C GLX Conquest 50DC- Jig & Worm NRX 802C Conquest100DC- MBR 783C IMX Secondary TopWater
  9. Out on the Lake...........
  10. Early in the morning with a mist on the water I have had attacks on TopWater baits from both Osprey's and RedTail's . Now my biggest worry is, the Loons chasing my Swimbaits........
  11. Guys I know this is an issue for some more than others after all I live in NYS. However let's keep the emotion out and the facts in. Emotionally charged posts are only going to get this Forum shut down. I for one enjoy the fact that I can come here and talk about guns and it is a fishing site.....You know what I mean........
  12. To come with a guarantee that allows me more time on the water................
  13. Nothing wrong with that......French Toast and Bacon finds its way here.
  14. I agree, that is my problem too.... It is that d**n technology that just does not quit..
  15. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2268265/Swimming-jaws-death-Final-moments-penguin-inches-leopard-seals-gaping-mouth.html
  16. I like both....Then again I like "the hunt".
  17. My winter targets are : Knuckle 60, Big Bats, Scare Brow 57 and Jaka Jack( Rattle In)...Along with a couple of new crank bait rods.
  18. Been using Direct TV for 20 some years with a hiccup here and there but nothing major to complain about.
  19. First of all let me apologize to the O P but I would like to respond to this statement ........Yes I do have boxes and boxes but not just LC can you say...Megabass, Deps , Imakatsu, Bassday, Evergreen , Jackall , Duo, Rosso Corsa , Kanji and so on. Now for the best part they do not have to be tuned. Listen to what others are trying to tell you and you may just discover a whole new program instead of going through all the BS that you do... Like O E said "Buy one Pointer and see if you're not impressed"...... I you do not try you will never know there may be a better way.....JMHO.
  20. This is exactly why I will not waste my money anymore on the brands you are describing ....Done with all the gyrations to get one to track properly a long time ago....
  21. It's only the beginning ....congrats on your new rig.
  22. Oh yeah....Large Spider Parts.......Bass Love them.
  23. Plain and simple you gotta love the bait monkey, after all you go to sleep with him don't you...Hell you wake up in the morning and he is the first thing you think about....Look at this way he knows best and yes it is okay to continue to listen to him......
  24. That is correct 5 for upland and 3 ( with a plug in the mag) for waterfowl while hunting anything more you are braking the law..Same goes for a semi...
  25. I have been waiting for this shotgun to come out for so long I forgot it is a pump action.....Yahoooo!!
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