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Everything posted by Maico1

  1. This same thought went through my head as well.........
  2. I couldn't agree more.......same with my 5'10" Topwater Rod and 6'3" CrankBait Rod I use for ripping lipless cranks through the grass. Tons of backbone over my longer rods ,it is all about how the rod is put together.
  3. Just curious did your friend by a white jump suit to go along with his rods......
  4. Sweet setup.....that is easy to fix, just get a new box...
  5. I will second this........
  6. That is easy Deps Pond Frog for the Pop Max http://www.depsweb.co.jp/product/pulsecod/img/color/11a.jpg I would like to see some pics if you do select to do it.
  7. Ray, That Hog is looking sweet......
  8. The Rod Glove........
  9. JitterBugs then and now without a split ring.....http://www.tacklecollecting.com/olderjitterbugcolors.htm http://www.lurenet.com/brands/arbogast-lures/arbogast-jitterbug?variant=G600-01
  10. Interesting.....I have been buying them for a long time and none of mine have ever come with split rings . Here is a box full with no split rings.....
  11. I just contacted *** and American Legacy the increase you are talking about was the one back in December/January.......
  12. Just for clarification I am interested in your resource since they just went up in December......There was a 50 dollar hike then so are you saying another one now or is this old news....Thank you.
  13. Reeel Sweeet.....
  14. Still no Conquest 50........What was the reason again.......Ha Ha ....Is that a Simpson helmet box ....Very sweet.
  15. It sounds like a MegaBass Helter Skelter......http://translate.google.com/translate?hl=en&sl=ja&u=http://www.megabass.co.jp/products/bass-lure/z-crank-series/helter-skelter.html&prev=/search%3Fq%3Dmegabass%2Bhelter%2Bskelter%26hl%3Den%26biw%3D1280%26bih%3D647&sa=X&ei=0AQyUczqJoXL0QGa84H4CA&sqi=2&ved=0CDQQ7gEwAA If you are looking for a blade on the rear of a crank bait you may also want to look at this Imakatsu Big Bats
  16. I am sorry I do not have any GL2 models, but I was able to find you specs for a 804C. It should get you into the ballpark...... http://tackletour.com/reviewgl2804cjwr.html
  17. So which ones are you looking for.........
  18. No ......Unfortunately less tackle each year and more outfitters along with other non fishing related items. If you lean in that direction you will love it. The upside is Loomis, Shimano,Northern Bass Supply and Daiwa will be there. So if you are looking for something you cannot find locally it gives you the opportunity to handle those items. I have a link here to the vendor list so you can make the final call to see if it fits your program....... http://www.sportshows.com/suffern/SuffernRosterWeb.pdf
  19. Congrats....you will not be disappointed and enjoy your new stick.
  20. Congrats .......enjoy your new stick.
  21. He is also known as Bantam1...as quoted in Skeletor6 post.
  22. Monkey has got you in a stranglehold......
  23. Maybe I should of put this over here........ Do These Lips Look Familiar
  24. Just saying...http://www.salmo.com.pl/en/whacky/
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