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Everything posted by Maico1

  1. If you do not mind I would be interested in your renderings....Thank you.
  2. No input on the GL2 but have experience with the SBR 812C and the SBR 752C. The difference between the two is 6 inches and I would go with the 752 at 6'3". In fact it is one of my favorite sticks, great accuracy in close or it will launch when needed.For a shorter stick it will go head to head with the 812 with plenty of backbone and is great for using the underhand cast. My 812 has a Calais 100A and the 752 has a Antares AR mounted on them and I think you can figure out which one gets the nod.......
  3. It is always good to see JDM features coming over to Shimano USA.
  4. With all due respect how can you make an assumption with all your experience and not ask for more info from the OP. I would think you would want to see a picture of the gears at least in question to see what kind of condition they are in order to make an educated evaluation of them. Instead you go off on this tangent about Shimano and everyone else making cheaper reels. Look I know you love your Lews Reels but in my opinion you leave yourself open to response's like this.
  5. Could you post a pic of the gears you have had to replace.....
  6. Congrats....You are in for a treat.
  7. FedEx showed up this morning, had to get another.....Once up at the Lake it will get a Bassart Handle to round it off.
  8. Keep in mind it goes way beyond reels and gets just as crazy with rods, lures and accessories as well. The boys across the pond really do get innovative with products like these to name a few....http://www.hedgehog-studio.co.jp or this http://www.baka-rush.com/. When it comes to lures you will find product and color schemes that just are not available from here in the states....Here are a few sites.....http://rossocorsa-fishing.jp/line-up-english/ ...http://www.fishingimport.com and this site is good for keeping up with what is new.....http://lurecult.wordpress.com .....Some of the sites I could not get to translate to english so you may have to go Google for that. Hope this helps you a little on your ride to an endless journey for I have not even put a scratch in the surface of what is out there.....Have fun.
  9. Just got this the other day, very smooth operation and a huge difference from using the pliers..... A tool you may want to consider adding to your tool bag. http://www.hedgehog-studio.co.jp/product/564
  10. I use the 803 in both the NRX and GLX for plastics up to 1/2oz. weighted or weightless......
  11. To answer your question centrifugal....But I like Digital more.
  12. Congrats...good for you, now you are in for some reel fun.
  13. Dwight, I agree with you ....Since I just took my HG completely apart last week there is a huge difference between the prior models including the DC. I really enjoy my DC's but this HG is one sweet reel both inside and out....
  14. Thank you for the pics and your response..Since I already have the Antares HG I have been hesitant about pulling the trigger on the Met. I was impressed with the carry over from the Antares to the Met but have been on the fence about getting one and leaning more toward another Antares.......
  15. That's my man.....
  16. Just curious can you tell me how it stacks up to a Antares HG.....
  17. I would check these sites and save some bucks......http://marunouchishop.com/index2.html http://www.plat.co.jp/shop/catalog/default/language/en/cPath/22_81_85_2347/ http://www.bass.jp/reel.php?c=reel&mode=itemlist&tcat=Casting&series=13+Metanium
  18. Happy B-Day......Sooo did we party our a-- off.
  19. The MBR783 is the one that will be the all around performer in either the IMX or GLX.
  20. http://marunouchishop.com/main/shimano_e/rarenium_ci4_plus.html
  21. If you want these rods then offer him 200-225 period....As to the breakage,BS.
  22. Fish this in weed lanes, open water or along a weed edge in any water. This color is what I consider Fire Tiger....Karakusa Tiger... http://www.megabassusa.com/sites/default/files/imagecache/product/karakusa-tiger.jpg
  23. Here is a link......http://translate.googleusercontent.com/translate_c?depth=1&hl=en&prev=/search%3Fq%3Dimakatsu%26hl%3Den%26biw%3D1280%26bih%3D647&rurl=translate.google.com&sl=ja&u=http://www.imakatsu.co.jp/products/pro_a019.html&usg=ALkJrhjeO4dFXgXQQHTJuo6oJ2Ukk9AOWw
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