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Everything posted by Maico1

  1. Just curious do they chase your SwimBaits...I have to stop fishing for they chase mine right up to my boat.
  2. Here is one......
  3. For me it is just as important to get the Pike back in the water as it is the Bass.....
  4. Mr. Tooth roams the waters.....This 5lb.12oz. inhaled my frog leaving me to believe I had a good size bass on board boy was I wrong. So the blood you see is from my left thumb which was torn while I was getting the frog unhooked......Nice teeth.
  5. A couple more.......
  6. I lost a few to many megabass to those toothy ones.....
  7. Fresh, You are on the money and just so you know I plucked that 6er off that stump you where playing at.
  8. Just click on Action footage of Lures..... http://translate.google.com/translate?hl=en&sl=ja&u=http://blog.goo.ne.jp/kameya-hiroshima/e/ed84864d61e2d81ff651f2ad8c9bfa4a&prev=/search%3Fq%3Dimakatsu%2Bwaddle%2Bbuggy%26biw%3D1280%26bih%3D609
  9. Dwight, The frog is a Koppers Green/Sienna....
  10. Took this one off a stump......
  11. My first Waddle Buggy Bass...... You will not be disappointed with this lure.....
  12. Just got them today, will be hitting the water first thing in the morning.
  13. Congrats on your new JDM Combo....Your wife is very thoughtful and generous.
  14. Yes sir....http://www.nakedbaitco.com/skirtexp.html
  15. Robert, Thanks for the heads up on these pictures,looks like a lot of fun. Nice Round Reel you have there as well.
  16. Sweet looking combo you have got there......
  17. Fat CB..SplatterBack...Moss Green Craw Bull...Dragon Frog
  18. Just released.....http://translate.google.com/translate?hl=en&sl=ja&u=http://item.rakuten.co.jp/marunishi/imakatsu-lure-waddlebuggy-05/&prev=/search%3Fq%3Dimakatsu%2Bwaddle%2Bbuggy%26start%3D20%26sa%3DN%26biw%3D1280%26bih%3D609
  19. Two of the CQ 50's are mounted GLX BCR 803C's and the CQ 50 DC's are mounted on a NRX JWR 802C and a NRX JWR 803C. Since I just got the second DC I am looking for a new NRX for the CQ 50.
  20. The second sweetest thing Conquest 50
  21. The sweetest thing, Conquest 50 DC.....
  22. Meant to put this up for you, sweet looking reel......http://www.ebay.com/itm/ABU-REVO-LTZ-AE74-Racing-L-LEFT-HANDLE-/390613960370?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item5af26806b2
  23. Here you go....... http://www.imakatsu.co.jp/products/pro_a019e.html
  24. I can find the HG model in right hand only......also the 6:2 in Left...Can not be to much longer.
  25. Not sure which model you are after, but check this out......... http://www.thehookuptackle.com/fishing-Reels/Shimano/Chronarch+Ci4
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