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Everything posted by Maico1

  1. A 7'9" Loomis TWFR 935C Fast/Mag Heavy ,Sufix 65lb. Performance Braid spooled on a Calais 200DC (CarbonTex Drag Washers).Koppers Live Target are my Frogs of choice.
  2. Do the herb thing in pots oregano,cilantro,thyme,basil,rosemary, parsley etc.....
  3. I am thoroughly convinced you were the one with the wet nose and momma threw you out first......
  4. I use oil as well, never to fond of using grease. Also keep an oiler on the boat to make sure they keep lubed....
  5. Great bait.....http://www.gancraft.com/english/products/osa115/
  6. Well John I finally got to use PS and am very happy with it. I have only done 6 reels so far but it has performed exactly the way you claimed it would in our discussion.The key is a good thorough rinsing as you said for you know that was my big concern about switching from Acetone. The other big factor I like is you no longer have to deal with those obnoxious fumes .......
  7. Along with the others mentioned I like this one as well JDM Lucky Craft Bull............
  8. Good for you guys...still looking at ice.
  9. Someone is nosing over to the swim bait world.....
  10. You will never be done.....
  11. Just getting out on the water motivates me as well as catching that 10 lber. that I know is there........
  12. In a nutshell I had two experiences with two different endings..While waiting for a pizza at a well known family restaurant packed with kids, people start going over to the windows facing the parking lot. Outside is some guy pummeling his girl and the next thing I know I find myself walking out the door. As I approached him with a raised voice he did back off of her and listened to reason...However the thing that got me she was ticked that I broke it up and came to his defense...I ended up walking away shaking my head. While leaning against a JukeBox talking to couple of girls I can see a buddy while standing at the bar arms fail up in the air. At first I thought it was a fight starting up the next thing I know this woman comes running over and gets behind me and the the two girls I was talking to. She is hysterical and is asking me to help her at the same time this guy is now standing over me telling me to get out of the way. Well I gave my drink to one of the girls and then told him I was not about to let him hit her. Of course he got ticked so I grabbed his wrists to restrain him all the while trying to talk reason with him. Finally he came to reason and by now some of his friends came over and it ended. I turned around and the woman was gone but it ended up she was his wife.....A few days later I ran into him and he thanked me for getting involved and not letting him hit his wife for he was drunk....At the end of the day he had a drinking problem which he ended up dealing with. Both of these episodes happened back in the day....Now I would call 911 something we did not have back then.
  13. Priceless!!
  14. Same thought process applies to the reels as well......No you are not overdoing it.
  15. 65 Lb Sufix for me , like the confidence factor when fishing the heavy stuff like you described......
  16. Pan fry it with butter then pull the bone out after it is cooked. One of my favs is to stuff them with Crab Meat.
  17. What lure???
  18. You should be proud of yourself and it speaks volumes about your character . Your actions are what earn respect in whatever field you are in and will travel within it as well....Congrats on your new job.
  19. Another Owner Fan........
  20. Clean ride and nice shots, nothing like putting the tune on it.
  21. I guess it depends on what you are trolling for......
  22. When I use plastic it is the Rubbermaid ones that are freezer to micro wave safe. They have been used with Lighter fluid,Acetone,Simple Green and Perfect Solution with no issues.
  23. Very interesting how creative minds can get as we get real near a new fishing season....very well done I might add.
  24. Well I hired my wife to be away from the competition. Once she accepted I asked her out to dinner to celebrate and we have been together ever since! Went to the Pres. of the company, at the time, and told him about our relationship (so he would not hear it elsewhere). Four years later the parent company went into bankruptcy, we bought out the secured assets and inventory from the bank and started our own. That endured for 25 years and now we are retired and enjoying it big time.....BTW....I had always imagined a California girl (Beach Boys inspired) in my life, well dreams really do come true!! :-)
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