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Everything posted by Maico1

  1. After reading this it just goes to show anything goes......
  2. Sweet contrast you got working.
  3. Get yourself one of these and see what happens....http://www.flipinthebird.com
  4. Fishing has always been a great mental enema for me and I have kept it that way . Something about getting out on the water and just soaking up the surroundings no matter whether on a creek, river or lake. Glad you have found the "sweet zone"of fishing and truly enjoy it.
  5. Glad you are enjoying your new rig and now that you have already invested in another just a warning it does not stop.....Enjoy.
  6. Yes the Frogs have been very hard to get right from the start of their release.
  7. A Big Bat in Frog and Rosso Corsa Calappa...
  8. Megabass considers them a Topwater Bait......This may help you.... http://translate.google.com/translate?hl=en&sl=ja&u=http://www.megabass.co.jp/products/bass-lure/top-water-plugs/type-x.html&prev=/search%3Fq%3Dmegabass%2Btype%2Bx%26biw%3D1280%26bih%3D612
  9. After speaking with them I went with the 18 and 25 lb. 30' spools...
  10. Are you kidding me I have those big green garbage bags full of all the packages...
  11. Thank you.....
  12. Plano CDS 3771....
  13. And those colors are....
  14. I have lost my share of MB to the Mr. Tooth and then have it take 6 months to replace them..Went to leaders and now will be trying this out soon...http://www.aquateko.com/Knot_2_Kinky_Titanium_Fishing_Leader_Wire_s/1.htm
  15. How about a Spider to work around the pads.......
  16. Imakatsu Kazlla.....
  17. Nothing like a fine Single Malt, enjoy the fruits of your efforts and appreciate your thoughtful class.
  18. Well I will stir the pot a little, there is nothing wrong with little round reels like these Conquest 50 DC...They are mounted on a NRX 802C and 803C which I use since I am not fishing real deep water..... If you do not like DC reels you could got with a Conquest 50 like this.........
  19. Do I hear Professor in the air since you will be taking on this vast educational experience of educating ...
  20. I would agree if you fish from the shore I know my retriever would be limited. How however if you get them I would be interested in how they work for you..
  21. Congrats on your first and certainly not your last....
  22. My advice would be a lure retriever.....
  23. Your sons face says it all and those are priceless times spent together....
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