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Everything posted by Maico1

  1. Now this is customer service....
  2. Reel sweet setup you have there..You must be having a blast casting with it.....
  3. Do it right get a tool.......http://www.hedgehog-studio.co.jp/product-list/2
  4. Absolutely....I use two setups for Topwater at 5'10" they are great little sticks.
  5. I purchased some of this product in 18 and 25 pound test in 30 foot lengths and am very happy with it so far. Although it may not draw down like line does it does hold its knot and it does not kink. I have been using an Albright Special to join the lines and a Clinch Knot to the hook......http://www.aquateko.com/Knot_2_Kinky_Titanium_Fishing_Leader_Wire_s/1.htm
  6. You have been very lucky all it takes is having the braid run across its teeth.....
  7. Now this is what the whole program is all about..The Hottest Rod on the Planet is the one that brings you the most enjoyment whenever you go fishing......Congratulations on finding yours.
  8. Mike as always it is a pleasure to deal with you as I always appreciate your Stellar Service. Both you and Robert have done a great job continuing to bring out new products...Thanks again , Mike.
  9. Throw your frog deep into cover and look for open spots or lanes. Twitch or pull it like a frog would be kicking its legs as it swims. You will be surprised how the bass will follow it and attack it in the opening or open lane at the weeds edge. Do not be afraid to throw it over a bog and then retrieve it so you can hop it off the bog. Same goes for logs and fallen trees I will even throw them into trees at the shore line and then pop them out and let them fall into the water....at the end of the day just play around with it altering your retrieve as well as finding objects that would hold a bass and throw it at them.
  10. Since you are looking for Spinnerbaits I thought this post may help you . I got some great suggestions from it, went to the mfgr's websites and proceeded to find out who sold the ones I chose. You will not go wrong buying from sponsors of the site as they will give you great service. http://www.bassresource.com/bass-fishing-forums/topic/135206-spinnerbaits-your-brand/
  11. Since it will not hot link you can get this from Tackle Warehouse. Scroll down to tighten Ring AL...http://translate.google.com/translate?hl=en&sl=ja&u=http://www.daiichiseiko.com/products/detail.php%3Fproduct_id%3D2509&prev=/search%3Fq%3Ddaiichi%2Bseiko%2Bknot%2Bassist%26biw%3D1280%26bih%3D612
  12. You might want to look into one of these....http://www.***.com/Daiichi_Seiko_Finger_Saver/descpage-DSFSK.html
  13. I ordered some Bama Craw and Blue Craw but it looks like at least another week before they will ship.Hoping this will be available in Falcon Lake Craw down the road....
  14. Exactly my feelings as well...
  15. I have walked over and explained what the laws are if they do not abide I will throw the Bass back in the water myself. The Police in Town along with Econ Officers are very responsive to this crap so having a cell phone also ratchets up the explanation of the law.......
  16. When it comes to Frogs and TopWater I throw the bait well beyond the Blowup point and then bring it right back into that zone the same way before the Blowup. If that does not work I continue that approach just with different retrieves through that strike zone if that fails then a follow up weightless worm gets the call...
  17. Funny you say that but back when I was a youngster I was blessed with a neighbor who built Bamboo Fly Rods . Lucky for me he taught me how to use a Fly Rod and one of the things we would do was to go down to the local lake with poppers for the bass. What a blast and of course they seamed to be such a long rod to use back then.
  18. Either one works for me as long as it has a reel on it.
  19. Great advice and not that hard to do....
  20. http://www.tackletour.com/reviewdiawapremiumcollectibles.html
  21. Well all I will say is my oldest Stella is 14 going on 15 years old and still works like it did when it first came out of the box.....you be the judge as to whether it is worth it or not.
  22. Shay Shay and the boys said to tell you Happy Birthday......I also told them you will be up for the NCRU.
  23. This is a very good point....
  24. You must of been having a weak moment to say that to your wife,as for yourself who are you kidding.
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