After spooling it up with some Sufix 21 6lb.,securing it on a PG BFS HardBait Finesse stick and tying on a Megabass Zero Hurry off to the shore of my local lake I went. What a sweet little tool this reel is, I must say I was not let down on how easy it is to reach out with this reel.The shoreline is loaded with weeds so I had to get beyond 15-20 yards to open water which was accomplished with just a flick of the wrist. Granted the Zero Hurry is a 1/4 ounce jig but still is representative of how easy this reel will handle the lighter side of baits . One thing for sure is I look forward to getting up to the lake and getting out in the boat to continue pursuing the lighter side of fishing. I do want to thank Matt (thehooligan) for giving me some very good insight to the lighter side however this slope is getting very slippery fast......