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Everything posted by Maico1

  1. First time out with my BFS setup which had a Megabass Zero Hurry attached to it yielded this little brown critter......Matt it is a very sweet little rod with the Alde BFS XG Limited mounted on it .....Looks great too!!
  2. John, That is one sweet looking stick you have got there , wish you the best with it.
  3. http://tackletour.com/reviewicast15shimanoreels.html
  4. I finally get to see you in action "you bait monkey you"...I have heard some stories about you in the past but thought you were a figment of someones imagination. Keep it coming you Bait Monkey.....
  5. To answer your question a Stella is worth every penny it costs and then some provided you own one. Now that does not mean everyone has to agree about owning a Stella it just says they are one sweet reel and you will appreciate it more and more as they stand the test of time as well. Just like a Conquest 50 they are built like tanks and can be handed down to your Grandchildren if you so choose. I for one enjoy my gear to the fullest and feel there is something to be said about enjoying yourself while out on the water. So my advice to you is buy what you can and enjoy it to the fullest because is not that what it is all about, but only you can be the judge as to what works for you.......
  6. Got here Tuesday.......
  7. Well they did not last long at JLS, but one is on the way.......
  8. After spooling it up with some Sufix 21 6lb.,securing it on a PG BFS HardBait Finesse stick and tying on a Megabass Zero Hurry off to the shore of my local lake I went. What a sweet little tool this reel is, I must say I was not let down on how easy it is to reach out with this reel.The shoreline is loaded with weeds so I had to get beyond 15-20 yards to open water which was accomplished with just a flick of the wrist. Granted the Zero Hurry is a 1/4 ounce jig but still is representative of how easy this reel will handle the lighter side of baits . One thing for sure is I look forward to getting up to the lake and getting out in the boat to continue pursuing the lighter side of fishing. I do want to thank Matt (thehooligan) for giving me some very good insight to the lighter side however this slope is getting very slippery fast......
  9. Just placed an order with them last Thursday and it showed up this afternoon .....just that simple.
  10. Then there is the MouthWasher.....sweet bait got a collection of these myself.
  11. Matt, Reel sweet looking combos you put together there . As for the investment you put into them, it truly shows you are a "True Enthusiast" ...Congrats.
  12. With the help of The Hooligan my Aldebaran 50HG found a new ride on his ex Poison Glorious Bait BFS HardBait Special.......
  13. I have a lot of fun with either a Conquest 50 or 50 DC on my 803's and 802's.......
  14. I Jack and Noisy Cat......... http://translate.google.com/translate?hl=en&sl=ja&u=http://www.megabass.co.jp/site/freshwater/top_water/&prev=search
  15. The Funky Flipper.......http://translate.google.com/translate?hl=en&sl=ja&u=http://www.megabass.co.jp/site/products/funky-fripper/&prev=search
  16. Here is their section on knots....http://www.aquateko.com/category_s/22.htm
  17. A-Jay, I am using the 25lb. for SB's and yes you can tie it on directly. However it does not tie down completely like you are used to but I did not have any failure.....
  18. I started to use this last year and it really did the job, you may want to look into it....http://www.aquateko.com/Knot_2_Kinky_Titanium_Fishing_Leader_Wire_s/1.htm
  19. In stock.......https://japanlureshop.com/shimano-15-calcutta-conquest-400-right-9327.html
  20. Dwight not sure yet been a little busy, heck I still need to get one for Stella 3000HG ......
  21. Goose I am with you on the Conquest HG they will be next......
  22. I am curious, is this how you feel in general about things in life that technology continues to improve or is this just an attitude regarding people who own Shimano products on this forum. I am whole heartedly trying to understand your two posts one that says you may enjoy the way things once were and the other an outright assault on Shimano consumers. I can certainly understand if you are one who does not welcome changes in life but why the tude regarding your words "Shimano Worshippers".
  23. As you guys know I like my 50 size reels in the "round" however I decided to give it a go and dive into the LP arena. One factor that caught my eye on the new Aldebaran 50 is the SilentTune feature something that will not be available on the new BFS LTD model and of course the HG option. So here are a few pic's of the Aldebaran 50HG.......
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