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Everything posted by Maico1

  1. You should get a lure stand so you can just look at it and enjoy the history behind it....
  2. First of all I hope you are purchasing from someone with a reputable reputation and by that I mean across the board not just JDM. With that said there is nothing out of line with what was written to you, some have better communication then others because of the language barrier. They are thanking you for buying their goods , they will be shipping it right out, they will be sending you a tracking number, they are asking you to contact them if it does not show up on time rather then open up a complaint against them, they hope there will be no damage to your shipment ,message them if anything goes wrong and they are very grateful for doing business with them. Pretty thoughtful people wouldn't you say !!!!
  3. I do not own a Exsence DC which is a 3X4 digital system with external adjustments and able to be had for under 300 dollars. Which is a very good combination if you are someone who enjoys and embraces the benefits of technology while out on the water. My advice to you is get one and try it out and see for yourself....If you have some specific questions PM me and I will be glad to help you.
  4. Very well said....
  5. Since you like to launch TopWater baits I would suggest the following, a Calais 200 DC and a Loomis SMR 702C-TW. The Rod is 5'10" and rated for 1/4 to 3/4 oz baits but do not let the length fool you. You can put some serious ump into your cast and it will perform for you without hesitation. As for the reel if you cannot get it to sync with the rod PM me and I will be glad to walk you through it. P.S. Launching Topwaters is one of my favorite things to do out on the water...
  6. My understanding is it will offered in a 5.8 and an 8.0 gear ratio....
  7. A little about the Whiners, like anything else technology does play a roll in development at some point. Enter the DC reel, a conventional magnet or centrifugal braking reel will turn between 15,000 to 20,000 rpm's of spool speed . Shimano in 03 released the Conquest 200 DC a reel that would now be able to crank out 30,000 rpm's of spool speed . Which would improve obtaining the maximum speed of the spool by 50-70 percent and 20 to 40 percent increase in casting distance. This was all obtained with a 8 point adjustment on the reel. Now in 06 Shimano released the Antares DC(CalaisDC7) and made some crazy fine tuning to the digital control which now would allow the spool speed up to 50,000 rpm's with 4 settings and 8 adjustments to each setting. Hence we got the 4x8 with a setting for Wind Mode, Extreme Distance, Long distance and Accuracy Mode. Now let me be clear you certainly can over run the reel but just not as frequently and when it comes to windy conditions it is real hard to beat . In the wind mode the digital control reads/reacts to the lure and applies the brakes accordingly a lot faster than a thumb can. The only thing you need to do is pay attention to when the lure hits the water at that point you may need to use the thumb. To me you can turn a frustrating day into a good day on the water with the use of technology. There certainly is a lot more that could be said but I am trying to keep it brief with an basic outline of a DC reel.... .
  8. There are a few missing but wanted to get these up . Front row 50 DC, Second row 100DC flanked by Calais 200DC and last 200DC
  9. According to that Article above ..Antares DC April Right Hand and June for Left.....
  10. This will work better.......https://translate.googleusercontent.com ... OcW2Feme2A
  11. A little more info, move around the site for more info ......http://tzlure.com/shimano-2016-antares-dc.html
  12. After looking around I am thinking ballpark for the Antares DC ..512 +/- and the Aldebaran BFS...290 +/- plus shipping for both. That is based on 76,000 yen (Antares) and 46,000 yen (Aldebaran) .
  13. Goldstocks is a good local place to get what you need....
  14. If you need to look right now , go look at a Calais DC7(4x8) that would get you into the ballpark. However keep in mind the new Antares will be improved all around with less weight. If I were you I would save my money and invest in the 4x8 when it comes to Digital Reels after all it is their FlagShip.
  15. Evan, Most sites allow you to signup for their newsletters/alerts, do it and you will be in the loop.
  16. John I will do that, probably not till the end of the week. I need to get an updated picture and they are up at the lake.
  17. Don't let the fact you live in Canada be a deterrent to purchasing gear, many of us here live in the states and buy directly from across the pond.
  18. Thanks for the clarification, but beginning to seize makes we wonder what type of maintenance the reels were getting in the first place. I have owned DC reels (12-13 currently) since they first came out in both round and lp profiles and have never had a problem with them. Only thing extra is taking a swab with alcohol and cleaning the sensor compared to my non DC reels . All of them get completely striped down on a annual basis just like the rest of my reels. Point is don't be afraid of working on them just because they say DC. Shimano did a real good job of keeping them very simple in my opinion.
  19. Just curious what the extra maintenance on a DC reel is ?
  20. Finally a new Antares 4X8 DC, will be all over that.......
  21. It is a Megabass Zero Hurry..........https://translate.google.com/translate?hl=en&sl=ja&u=http://www.megabass.co.jp/site/products/zero-hurry/&prev=search
  22. The rest of the story.....
  23. Here you go Matt........
  24. One more...
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