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Everything posted by NavyVet1204

  1. My local shop just closed up last month as well. They were the only brick and mortar around that carried Reaction Innovations plastics within a 30 mile drive. I don’t know what happened because every time I went in that store year around it was pretty steady business with me having to wait at least 15 minutes to be checked out.
  2. I love that color pattern the whole way through!
  3. Thanks guys I appreciate it a lot.
  4. I was watching a video on YouTube about shakey head and jigs and how using a finesse jig would compliment a good shakey head. The only thing he said in relation to the example of the jig he had for show was that it had a rounded head on it and it was a great shape of head for finesse jigging. I have wanted to get more into the hop and tug of finesse jigs for awhile. I log on to TW and there seems to be 10,000 different kinds of finesse jigs. Can y’all direct me to some good finesse jigs please? It will help a lot with such a wide selection.
  5. Yes they are all still tied through the eyes with Lures on the end. I will definitely cut off the last town feeder so as suggested and Retie.
  6. That’s what I’m worried about is a coiling effect from setting up for months and months. If it were a spinning set up I wouldn’t doubt it so much though. Spooling up fresh line can get costly sometimes lol
  7. Backstory: My son was born on August 18th last year and months prior I knew ahead of time that my fishing was about to slow completely down to a stop until sometime this year so I went ahead and cleaned and oiled up the reels and stowed them with the current “last years” line still tied on. My question is should I leave the line on and fish when I can or go ahead and tie on new line since it’s last years stuff? The line had about four months of use on it prior to being stowed. Seaguar Red Label 12-15lb test across six baitcasters all spooled new last spring.
  8. I bought this one last year from TW in early spring and it has been awesome. It’s not quite as big as I would’ve liked, but it keeps me humbled in terms of how much I can take without overdoing it. https://www.tacklewarehouse.com/catpage-RRCYAMA.html?from=basres Also it was $100 cheaper when I bought it. I guess inflation is a thing. I personally would t pay the price that’s advertised on TW for it now. How much did you have to pay for that setup?
  9. I’ll call a spade a spade I guess and I’ll share my opinion because it’s just that. My opinion. I’m not a fan boy or poster child for them or anyone else.
  10. Yeah I had a decent amount of luck on the mondo’s as well. Couple of 2#’s here and there.
  11. As much as I can’t stand to watch these yahoos on YouTube, I can’t deny that their lures do produce. Well, the soft plastics do anyway as I have only tried one of their cranks and it was garbage from the word go ,but that’s another story. Anyway the wife and I took the baby to bass pro yesterday to see the fish in the aquarium and I had some bday gift cards/funds to play with so I picked up some Sufix Braid and Sufix Siege mono for leaders and noticed the Googan Dart baits on an end cap. I have a dedicated setup for weightless stuff so I picked up a couple packs of the darts to try out in the spring. Have y’all tried these? pics are the two colors I got.
  12. That was pretty much my budget for fishing rigs prior to 2019. I still have several Walmart “specials” in spinning setups that I bought well over 10 years ago that are still humming right along. I used to ask myself why anyone in their right mind would ever pay the money they do for fishing($50+) for a setup…..then I spent $175 on a baitcaster and immediately found out the answer to that question. As with anything else in life you get what you pay for and the difference is night and day between what I was used to paying versus what I spent that day at bass pro on the baitcasting combo.
  13. I’m at the point where I’m beginning to see that I don’t need a dozen different setups when I got fishing because I’ve noticed that I’m reaching for/grabbing the same setups time after time after time. I can make up reasons why I need the next rod/reel all day long, but I only carry the same ones. If I’m not carrying the same ones then I’m at least tying on or fishing the same techniques every time. I’ve got six baitcaster setups and I initially had six different plans to dedicate a technique to each and fish that way, but shakey head and chatterbaits and t rigged plastics just keep killing it where I am. So I reckon I’ve got three back ups lol
  14. Couldn’t agree more on the whopper plopper. I’ve got four of them and have only caught a single fish on one of them.
  15. I didn’t know about these. Now it’s on my radar. Thanks a lot friend.
  16. 13 Fishing at first seemed to be a fly by night type of brand, but I myself have been pretty impressed with there baits as well. My wife bought me a 3 pack of purplish colored craws that I just swore on sight alone wouldn’t catch even a tree limb…boy was I wrong. To answer the original question I have had really good luck on the bass pro clearance bin flat siders. $1.99 each at the time and I got four one day and they all produced fairly well until I lost them like I do with everything with a treble hook.
  17. Same here. That has worked for me since I learned to use them last year. I still have an occasional “user induced” backlash though.
  18. That’s what I got. I got enough to pick up my new penn Conflict II reel for my catfish setup. Birthday is two weeks from today and I’ve asked for more bass pro gift cards lol gotta get a rod and terminal tackle to finish out the setup.
  19. This has been my experience as well using braid and a treble hook
  20. Enjoy that combo. That reel is fantastic if you happen to have gotten a good one. I bought one last year on an impulse and liked it so much that I ordered a second one the next day. The second one couldn’t keep the side plate on for more than a single cast and I drove to bass pro and returned it. The first one hasn’t missed a beat and I love it! It’s on my vendetta rod setup for chatterbaits and jigs.
  21. I’ll also add that if your small creek or “wade” fishing, those will work all day long as well as the tried and true rooster tails.
  22. I was going to say this pretty much. It was fantastic for me last season.
  23. I actually bought that little kit they sale those in one time about 5-7 years ago and they absolutely get destroyed by bass in my local lake! Hidden Walmart gem.
  24. Penn Conflict II spinning reel. My new catfish setup thinking about running 50# braid to a Carolina Rigged 20# mono leader. I’m gonna pair it with an ugly stik rod(not sure exactly which one yet). The ugly stiks have served me rather well in their role of catfishing rods for years and years with general maintenance so I see no need to go higher up the $ food chain. I’ve tried to post pics, but all of my iPhone 11 pics of it seem to be too large. Here’s a stock pic of it: https://www.basspro.com/shop/en/penn-conflict-ii-spinning-reel?ds_e=MICROSOFT&ds_c=Shop|Generic|AllProducts|High|SSCCatchAll&msclkid=6cb0e30c737712d7e1c882c5a18ad049&gclid=6cb0e30c737712d7e1c882c5a18ad049&gclsrc=3p.ds This isn’t a Stradic by any means, but my lord it is the smoothest spinning reel I have ever bought to date. It is my very first penn reel to boot. I feel pretty good about it especially with having gift cards for bass pro and not having to pay a dime for the reel. edit: I got the 4000 size.
  25. Outside of June bug, black and watermelon red…pb&j did really well this past season.
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