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Everything posted by NavyVet1204

  1. As someone who is new to FC my experience is very limited so take my words for what you will. I think the Red Label Seaguar is very good. I can only compare it to PLine Fluor clear and the Berkley vanish, but I really like it so far.
  2. Thanks friend. The wife and I went out again today fishing and the tournament SLP was an absolute dream to use...so much so that after she cast and retrieved the first time with it she told me “I definitely like my new reel honey!”. She laid claim to it that quick. Happy wife happy life. At least I know what my anniversary gift is going to be this year lol In other words, the other Revo SX I have is fantastic. No issues and can sling a whopper plopper a country mile. I got it paired up with a 7’ MHF Vendetta rod and it is wonderful.
  3. Good friend of mine has been using the same quantum bait caster now for over 10 years and loves it.
  4. I think I will be happy with the lews tournament SLP I got. I took it out on the lake and river today for about four and a half hours and it was a blast to use. The retrieve on the lews is so buttery smooth that I have to occasionally look down at the reel to ensure that the spool is in fact turning. Day one of the lews and I’m a happy camper! Also managed to catch this guy on the second cast from the river bank too. I’ll back track and say again that I am not bashing Abu at all. My family has been using Abu’s from as far back as the 60’s and still continue to use them. My issue was unfortunate really, but I did have a “grenaded” reel after only one month of use.
  5. Yeah I definitely understand man. I don’t want to sound like I am tarnishing or defaming Abu at all. I have owned their reels for a long time in the spinning arena and they are still working today, but not everything is perfect all the time and it was just my turn I guess lol
  6. I actually considered this...but i do not palm the reel while casting. Yes I am aware that I did purchase a doyo reel again. If it goes the same route I will go a different direction although I think it will be fine. I think I may have found a dud reel with the Revo SX.
  7. I’m definitely gonna be more hesitant I’ve been told that before
  8. It does and I noticed that while I was looking at the reel at the glass counter. I went with the SLP because it was one of the only left hand retrieve reels they had in stock that I was interested in. The other being a Daiwa Tatula 100. I did purchase the extended service warranty on the lews also.
  9. Trust me when I say it will ruin your day lol
  10. No doubt man. I was mostly upset that I had just found a new spot to fish with the wife because the bass were hitting top water like it was going out of style.
  11. So I bought my first baitcaster setup a month ago with an Abu Garcia Revo SX and a bass pro rod. Well today the wife and I found a new fishing spot and just as I started to get some really good bites on my spinner bait the side plate on the reel came off and fell in the water. Spool came out of place and literally dumped the entire spool of brand new Seaguar 15# FC everywhere. Ok, crap happens.....so I clean up the mess and retrieve the side plate(from the bank) get it cleaned up and respooled with more new line and made double sure that the side plate was secured in place. First cast it happened again. All my brand new line was in the water in a knotted mess. My trip was ruined. I just lost $30 worth of brand new FC in 20 minutes time and my new reel was jacked up. I was very livid. I paid $165 for this reel and it crapped out this early?? My local bass pro was about eight miles down the road so we loaded up and went there and they took the reel back for a refund and I bought a Lews Tournament SPL and some more line. Customer service at BP was amazing. No questions asked on the return even though I bought the reel on their website and not in store. I had read reviews on this reel having this issue before I bought it, but they were few and far between all the five star ratings. Guess I wasn’t immune to getting one of the crap ones. Hopefully the new lews holds up. edit: I do keep my reels clean and lubed.
  12. Yeah I got rid of the Berkley vanish and respooled with Seaguar red label 15# and so far so good.
  13. Thank you for your service friend and tell your wife she is appreciated for us! Sounds like you guys had a blast!
  14. I’m sorry to hear about your family my friend and I hope all is well. The job situation will turn around as well so don’t worry. The lord will take care of you and yours. I wish I had half the luck with spinners that you have. I can’t get a bass on a spinner to save my life.
  15. I’m still searching for my PB! Congratulations sir!
  16. I’m sorry to hear about your family my friend and I hope all is well. The job situation will turn around as well so don’t worry. The lord will take care of you and yours. I wish I had half the luck with spinners that you have. I can’t get a bass on a spinner to save my life.
  17. Yeah the lake near me has been packed daily.
  18. God bless you my friend. You are honoring your vows and are a good man for doing so. Family always comes first and Not a lot of people out there would do that. You have my respect.
  19. Did the virus allow you to fish more? It put me out of work for just over a month but luckily I had vacation time saved up so financially I was ok and my wife was able to continue working. My interest in bait casting peaked during the first week I was at home and I haven’t looked back since. I dare say I have fished more in the last three months for bass than any other year in my life(catfisher at heart). I picked a heck of a time to get into bass fishing because every sporting goods store in a 50 miles radius of me was wiped clean of fishing supplies. Basspro’s online has gotten a lot of my money to avoid going out in public. Unfortunately, more people fishing means more crap to deal with like the litter situation. Apparently everyone and their brother took COVID 19 up on its offer for fishing oppurtunity and have brought trash out of the wood work. I went to a few public spots recently and every spot was completely trashed....yet just feet away I saw completely empty garbage cans provided by the city. I can’t stand people.
  20. This. I too cannot stand the littering. I thoroughly enjoy bank fishing in areas where I know no one has been...or so I thought. I love strapping a backpack on with tackle, food, water etc and grabbing my baitcaster and blazing a path without having to worry about other people. Then I get a couple miles in to somewhere on the lake by foot only to have stumbled across beer bottles and condom wrappers(yes...it’s weird for the middle of nowhere) and food condiments. You cannot escape people and their bad habits for nothing.
  21. I’m not sure about amazon, but I ordered rods of different calibers from basspro and all of them came packed in cylindrical cardboard tubes with plastic end caps and bubble wrapped. All has been well so far.
  22. Thanks! I have noticed that tuning my baitcasters for fluorocarbon is harder to do than it is for braid. It took me almost a half hour of nothing but backlashing every-to almost every other cast until I finally hit the sweet spot and got it perfect. Power-Pro, Sufix, Jbraid...even spider wire braid tunes nearly instantly compared to fluorocarbon lol wow I gotta get used to it.
  23. Thanks guys for the replies! I picked up a spool of Seaguar Red Label 15lb today and will be spooling it tonight.
  24. Yeah the Berkley vanish even before covid 19 was always in stock year around here so I can imagine it wasn’t very hot in the market.
  25. As per Covid 19, my local Walmart is still wiped out of nearly all types of fluorocarbon in nearly all weights. I did manage to snag one spool of Berkley Vanish in 12lb and one spool of P-Line Fluroclear(I think it was called) in the same 12lb weight a couple weeks ago. This is my first go’round with fluorocarbon so I’m not very well versed in what brands are good to go. I’ve had a lot of trouble with both of my bait casters getting tuned since I put those lines on them and I’ve been getting backlashes so bad that I’m ready to go back to braid. Anyway I think it’s mostly due to the Weight of the line being 12lb? I’m not sure. Ive read a lot of reviews online trying to get familiar with what brands seem to be really good and Seaguar as well as the Berkley Trilene Are always on top. What do you recommend? edit: what weight line do you recommend with T-Rigs And crankbaits being the primary tie ons?
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