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Everything posted by NavyVet1204

  1. Today was the first day in a month that I have been able to fish due to working a shutdown at my job so I went all out in anticipation of getting at least one. Nope. Beautiful sunny day, no clouds and an ever so slight breeze. Hot as all get out of course. The wife and I were fishing from the bank in all manners of techniques to include jigs, T-Rigs, shaky head, cranks of all types, spinners and buzz baits. We did not get a single bite!!! Granted there was the issue of no cover/shade to fish around or into because of the landscape so I went deeper into the water column thinking cooler temps at least, but to no avail. I sure hope tomorrow is a better day lol
  2. Well I paired it up with a 6’9” MHF Abu Garcia Vengeance rod because it was literally the only remote rod that was available and near what I wanted. So far, the reel is awesome!
  3. Got my Daiwa Tatula 100 today and paired it with an Abu Garcia Vengeance 6’9” MH for a shaky head setup. I wanted a 7’ MHF rod, but can’t find them anywhere.
  4. I like where you are going. I too have wondered about the quantum baitcasters myself as I have quite a few 10+ year old spinning reels that steel function as if they are brand new. I only know of one friend who has a quantum bait caster and loves it, but it is almost a decade old and it looks the part. I noticed too that quantum doesn’t seem to have much of a standing in the marketing world as oppose to others and I wonder if that is for a reason?
  5. My Revo SX side plate came off twice back to back And it wouldn’t retrieve after the second time. It grenaded two weeks after purchase brand new. BPS took it back no questions asked.
  6. It could be a difference in machining of the gears. The new set may be a couple thousandths in spec versus your current setup where they may be a few thousandths out. I had a similar issue with a Revo SX a couple months ago.
  7. I literally just ordered one in left hand 7.1:1 last night from bass pro and it’s my first Daiwa reel. I’m really excited about it too. I am tagging this thread so that I can update you in the next few days on my opinion.
  8. I need some recommendations on a shaky head setup. I just ordered a new Daiwa Tatula 100 left hand in 7.1:1 reel from BPS and I need help pairing it with a rod. I didn’t order a rod with the reel because they didn’t have a selection that appealed to me. The idea of a 6’6” ML rod sounds like the way to go but I want to be sure that it is sensitive enough for 1/4oz shaky head rigs. My budget for the rod is $100 and I also would like some recommendations on FC weight. I’m thinking 12# or 10#? Thanks guys!
  9. I was wondering this myself actually as I have a hard time deciding on whether to use a trailer or just keep the skirt to itself. Thanks for the vid!
  10. Finally found a Strike Pro Swing Pop 85 on eBay. Bought it without hesitation at full MsRP because I CANNOT find them anywhere.
  11. Same here. I even use your style you mentioned with a whopper plopper and get more strikes than just using a straight retrieve. Actually now that I think about it, I use that same technique on just about all top water I use.
  12. Zoom Black and Red Glitter worm. Been using them and catching with them for almost 20 years.
  13. Zoom Fat Albert because I can rig them on a jig and for T rigs.
  14. While I am not a “Doomer” so to speak, I am of the mindset that chance favors the prepared mind. With that said, I think if you are short on tackle or gear don’t wait. Buy it now if you can because if COVID makes a comeback which I think it will, it will be worse than the previous. Contrary to what I just posted above, I was indeed blind sided by the virus in terms of folks buying gear and fishing like crazy thus wiping everything out as we currently know it. I just didn’t expect it to impact my fishing hobby the way it did. I will be buying up some loose ends day after tomorrow on my off day which should hold me over for a good while. At this point I do have a local shop that has me covered for what I need so I don’t have to order online. Gotta get squared away on some more soft plastics and hard baits at least in terms of not needing anymore for a good while. I’ll still be buying some lures and such every so often while I can just for good measure.
  15. My bag is similar but just smaller than yours. I keep a gallon ziploc bag with about 5-7 packs of soft plastics in it as well as three trays also similar to yours with my jigs and other hard baits in them with one tray for terminal tackle. It serves its purpose well and I can also keep drinking water stored too. Nice setup.
  16. This x100! i love the “pregame” Of fishing like this and I nerd out completely especially with my bank fishing backpack and how I organize it. My problem is that I want to take $500 worth of lures and tackle in a bag that will not accommodate it.
  17. Local mom and pop stores are your friend right now. Most casual folks wouldn’t bat an eye to the smaller shops before the virus issues and therefore they are more attuned to going to the bigger box stores and wiping them out. My local shops have everything I need. No need for the bigger stores.
  18. Seaguar 15# Red Label. 14.99 a spool and worth every penny and will serve your needs well.
  19. One of the two I got had a “bruised banana” color and the other was a chartreuse color. All total maybe 6-7 different colors but I didn’t look Closely to determine the exact amount of variations. Just got the two that I know I didn’t have.
  20. Yes they are in somewhat plentiful stock at my local Wally World right now as well. I picked up a couple of “off colors” that I know I didn’t have already. I was happy.
  21. This is a fantastic time to support your local small mom and pop shops. My local shop that I frequent nearly every week still has a great selection with only pennies on the dollar difference in price.
  22. Those color combinations have been doing damage here in Alabama for me as well in both river and lake. Googan baits has their crackin kraws that I’ve been using them in and they are awesome on a jig and t-rig setup.
  23. Thanks guys I appreciate the input y’all have shared. Most of what has been said I have done/tried and I will keep on going!
  24. Touché. This why I asked lol
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