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About ArthurLK11

  • Birthday 10/10/1991

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Fort Lauderdale, Florida
  • My PB
    Between 6-7 lbs
  • Favorite Bass

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  • About Me
    I fish. I travel. 

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Community Answers

  1. Discontinued BassX, 20% off. Not bad for someone wanting an entry level rod or for something to give to their kid, but not what most would consider a Black Friday sale.
  2. Wish they would announce what they were actually putting on sale. Hopefully it's something good, but usually it's just their old discontinued models with extremely limited stock.
  3. Nice. I did my graduate work at Franklin Pierce University. Fished Pearly Pond a ton. I wish I would've explored all the creeks and rivers more.
  4. What years was this? I ask because I've always been curious to learn what the canals were like before all these non-native fish became established? What kinds of fish were most common back then?
  5. Just a couple from this weekend. Bluespotted sunfish, dollar sunfish, and golden silverside.
  6. Welcome. I spent two years living in Rindge and Jaffrey. Really wish I would've fished more while I lived there. Absolutely beautiful area with plenty of water.
  7. Hello everyone, One of my favorite things about living in southern Florida is the wide variety of fish species found in both fresh and saltwater. You can head to a local canal and catch nearly a dozen different species just messing around. I wanted to share this trip I took one afternoon to Tamiami Trail in the Everglades. Plenty of constant action on small soft plastics worked close to shore made for a great day of fishing. Hope you guys like it.
  8. A couple adult salvini cichlids from a South Florida canal this weekend. I caught a dozen or so in about an hour, but these three were the best looking.
  9. Here are some true micros from today, all golden topminnows. By the most widely accepted definition, a microfish is a species that does not reach a maximum size of 8 inches as an adult. These little topminnows are true beauties in miniature.
  10. The pictures are awful, but my initial thought was white catfish.
  11. Yeah that's not going to be a bullhead of any kind.
  12. How could you possibly tell that that is a koi and not a goldfish from that picture?
  13. Correct. That doesn't mean the common carp is worse. The largemouth bass has negatively impacted the ecosystems that it was introduced to way worse than the common carp. There is much more into determining if a fish is invasive than where it is from. I realize that many people here are uneducated on the subject and that is why I don't feel offended when someone disagrees. I knew it would be an unpopular opinion here. I just don't want to continue preaching to ignorant people and wasting my time. On that note, I'm out of this conversation.
  14. Wrong. Largemouth Bass are only native to ~19 states while they are currently established in 48. They also cause more damage to the ecosystem than carp. I know this is a bass website and people here have a soft spot for them, but they are absolutely the most invasive species in most of the United States. Again, this isn't an opinion, but a correct fact. You can choose to ignore it if you want, but you're the wrong one.
  15. Gotta love when the journalists can't even be bothered to use a picture of the correct species.
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