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D Rock

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Everything posted by D Rock

  1. For higher speed just make sure you don't get small rims and tires. I have a small trailer that I built and put 8 inch rims I regret it and wish I would've just bought 12 inch. I can still drive 70mph with no problems
  2. Anyone ever taken these little boats to the saltwater? Any problems?
  3. Hey bud this video will help you out on how to build and brace the casting deck it’s a how to video step by step that a buddy and I made. It has everything you need dimensions, material list, even a print out outline for the hatch and front floor. Hope it helps. If you have any questions let me know.
  4. I saw the video but I was looking into doing something a bit different. I’ll look for the posts. Congratulations on your bass raider! As far as the plug I just bought one from amazon and connected it to my motor it was very simple. I’m not sure about the 2 prong causing problems. For the battery box, I charge my battery by connecting to the Minn Kota Power Box and never had a problem.
  5. Has anyone added a scupper hole to the bass raider?
  6. I'm done with the trailer! It was fun to work on but the day I went to the DMV to register it they tell me that the regulations had just changed for the state of Texas... I told them I had called 3 weeks ago to get information and was told all I needed was $69, a signature from the seller and a notarized letter saying it was homemade. They said "TODAY everything changed, lucky you". It was a long process took 3 days to get done. I had to get the trailer inspected by an investigator at the Sheriffs office, that required an appointment and cost $40. Then I had to get another appointment go to the State and apply for a VIN. Then I could finally register it at my local tax office. I just got my license plate today and should receive my title in a few weeks. Long registration process and double the price I was expecting compared to what I was told but the good thing is its done with and I can finally take it out to the water.
  7. I recently built a deck for my Bass Raider and I love it but it definitely adds weight and it does need bracing underneath. I can still put the boat in the back of my truck with a friend no problem, but doing it alone is a challenge unless you take the deck out before loading and unloading. Since I want to be able to take it out with no problems I bought a trailer for it so that I wouldn't have to worry about taking it apart when I'm by myself. For the deck I used 3/4 plywood with 3 short 2x4 underneath that was also attached to a 6" 3/4 plywood for support. it weighs about 35lbs
  8. Installed some rod holders in the rear of the boat.
  9. No way! Small world huh lol well let me know when your down here we can take the boat out and go fishing.
  10. Awesome thanks and I’m from Weslaco. Deep South Texas.
  11. Thanks for the advice but I checked with harbor freight a while back and they don’t allow the coupon on trailers. I bought the trailer this morning for $120, I’m from Texas the DOT says I can register it as homemade trailer just need to show them a pic of the trailer and get a signature from the seller. I ordered some new rims, tires, a pair of hub and bearing replacement kits and a LED trailer light kit all online so I can save a few bucks lol that was $135. As of now I’m in $255 and just need to build a platform for the boat and install everything when it comes in. I’m actually excited to work on it lol. Oh and the registration for the trailer will come out to $69 with tags for the year. Thanks again I’ll post pics once I’m done.
  12. Thank you for the advice! I only bought one boat it was the last one in stock and it was missing the seats but still worth it if you ask me. I’m waiting till tomorrow to call the DOT because I was worried about the title. I’ll check for those number. Thanks again.
  13. I’m looking into a trailer for my bass raider do you guys thing I can convert this? I’ve seen it done before just wanted some input if anyone has done this. Also the trailer doesn’t have a title not sure if it’s worth buying for $150. Thanks Another pic of the trailer I saw some posts about the bass raiders being on sale. You guys should check your local academy’s I got mine for a steal back in March. It was showing 479.97 the when I scanned it...... Needless to say I bought it and I’ve already built a custom deck for it. Working on getting a trailer.
  14. That’s a good idea I didn’t think about that, I was thinking it would have to be in the back with the battery. Thank you!
  15. Anyone know where or how I would be able to mount A Minn Kota on board battery charger on my bass raider? It has a custom deck on it that I built, I’ll post some pics thanks! Also the charger I have is model MK106D. It’s a 6 amp and my trolling motor is a 45 lbs thrust, I haven’t gotten a battery yet either if anyone has any suggestions, I’d appreciate it.
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