Couple stories to share....
First, I was about ten or so fishing with my grandfather and dad at night on Cherokee Lake in TN. I was so young and excited I didn't know or care what we were fishing for! LOL. Anyway, we pulled up to a rock ledge and my grandfather had an OLD pump Coleman lantern. I can remember him pumping the thing at least twenty times and we had light. He sat it on the rock ledge and the lamp caught fire! He grabbed it and heaved it over into the water and sploosh! Mini explosion. Well, fish started floating up to the top and we decided to high tail it out of there. Fished maybe ten minutes!
Secondly, a good friend of mine and myself were scout fishing a lake in preparation for an upcoming tourney. We got to the far end of the lake and since it was his boat, I was in the back. We started fishing and I asked if I should be hearing running water? He said a little. I opened the battery compartments and we were taking on a massive amount of water! He pulled his line in and we headed for the dock. The boat was so heavy with water, I had to climb out on the bow to even be able to see where we were headed. He then informs me that he cant swim! We get to the dock, he jumps out to get his trailer. I spin around to get a running shot at the trailer and down goes the boat. Me, tackle and all! We got the boat out. We missed the tourney!