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Matt Eisen

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Everything posted by Matt Eisen

  1. How's everyone's prespawn treating them? Any good fishing going on in eastern PA? I'd like to try some new lakes/ ponds in north-eastern PA so please shoot me some recommendations! Anyway, allow me to make a recommendation: I thought I'd let you guys know that if you're ever interested in a quality guided fishing trip, contact Joe from Legends Outdoors. Extremely professional and accommodating, knows his stuff... I just had my first trip with him this past weekend and the experience was so good I thought I'd share (no affiliation whatsoever). I was genuinely impressed. And I learned about him through word of mouth, so since he helped my dad and I be better fishermen, I thought getting the word out is the least I could do. And brag a little too. Great day on Wallenpaupack. I caught my first ever smallie just shy of 4lbs. You could say I'm hooked!
  2. Between ghoti's review on page 1 and what you just said seems to be the general consensus. Okay thank you all for helping me make my decision
  3. Speaking of specs, why do you guys think that the 7'3" Heavy XF & 7'2" MH Moderate Victories are only rated to 7/8ths of an ounce? That seems like such an odd number... is that something to be concerned about?
  4. What are everyone's thoughts about the new St Croix Victory series? Did you buy one? I'm purposely holding off until I read more reviews on them. I've heard mixed reviews. I'm in the market for a crankbait rod and I don't know whether I like the 7'2" MH Power Target Crank rod or if I should go with a MH Legend Glass rod instead... what have you heard about the new rod series (any model)? Do you own any Legend Glass rods? Or mojo glass? Should I go with the tried and true or try something new?
  5. For the people in this chat that believe in a more moderate action rod over a faster action rod, does it matter what the rod is made out of (graphite vs. glass)? Is a glass rod better for vibrating jigs or vis versa? Thanks and let me know.
  6. I'm thinking the same thing. I also need to experiment with different sizes too. I go pond fishing and although I caught a good amount of fish last year, I think I could get way more bites if I downsized to something smaller than 4.8 or a 4.3 to mimic minnows or shiners
  7. I appreciate your insight, I did not know that about the Swammers! I want to try them even more now Although Matt & Tim from Tactical Bassin are very knowledgeable, and I religiously watch all of their videos, sometimes I don't know whether to trust the exact baits they push because of sponsorships and all that. For instance, if they were in this chat right now they would be swearing up and down about Keitechs, River2Sea D Walker, and recently the Gambler EZ swimmer. And after that, they would reccommend something else from River2Sea lol. See my point? I listen to all their techniques, all the knowledge they have about fishing certain baits, and whatnot. However, I think they recommend specific baits/rods/reels/hooks because of sponsors. But hey, that's just me... that's why I'm asking you guys
  8. What sizes do you like for each?
  9. What is everyone's opinion on their favorite paddle tail swimbaits? Personally, I'm looking to up my swimbait game and branch out towards different companies, sizes, and tactics. I fish Keitech 4.8s and 4.3s on weighted belly hooks and underspins, but I'm curious as to what I'm potentially missing out on. I know people swear by keitech but I've also seen people swear by the swammer. Does one provide different action than the other? If yes, how so? Also which swimbait do you guys like to use as a swim jig trailer? Or bladed jig trailer? And how about the best trailer size? Thanks and let me know
  10. 1. What St Croix rod do you like to fish topwater frogs on? 2. Really? I've heard several people say this and frankly I'm disappointed with my 7'1'' MH Fast Mojo. I wish it had more backbone, as I often fish weedless paddle tail swimbaits and swim jigs on it and I feel that the Fast action is more like a Moderate Fast.
  11. I entered this sport idolizing the craftsmanship of St Croix's. I also aimed to only stick with one brand of rods like most experienced/professional anglers do in an effort to improve consistency... However, I'd be a liar if Dobyns didn't grab my attention and strongly incentivize me to switch over. My dad asked me for a dobyns champion xp which happened to be the first one I saw in person, and it really made me consider switching to all dobyns. I guess choosing which brand depends on your favorite/ most confident applications. For instance, if you want a good punching stick, a frog rod, or a rod you can comfortably throw 8oz+ swimbaits on, the Dobyns line pairs much better with those applications than the St croix's do. However, finesse applications like dropshot, worms, or dragging a jig along bottom are much better suited for St Croix IMO. Honestly, Dobyns seems to have their bases covered well in every category. As for St Croix, they are extremely proficient at the techniques they are well known for, but fall off at the others (ie frogging)
  12. @Bootlegger418 This is just my personal opinion, but it is a well known thing amongst St Croix advocates that the actions of each rod (not power) are considerably softer than advertised. For instance, a St Croix's extra fast is more like any other brand's regular fast action. Therefore, I think if you were to buy moderate fast your hook up ratio would suffer. But then again, its all personal preference. However, what's not personal preference is the fact that st croix's are historically known to have softer tips than advertised. I wouldn't buy a mod-fast action rod for light wire jigs. I own a mojo 7'1 MH/F and I use it for swim jigs and Texas rigged baits. Admittedly, I live up north which means I don't have to worry about 6lb+ southern monsters bending hooks out. I've caught plenty of 3's, 4's, and a 5 on that rod without bending a 3/0 gamakatsu regular EWG hook (not superline), despite fishing 30 lb braid. I like that pole, however my only qualm with it is that the action isn't fast enough, for my taste at least**. In conclusion, a fast action should give you more than enough "give" to prevent bending out a light wire hook but it will also help you on hooksets and getting past the plastic brush guard P.S. My next pole is going to be one out of the legend tournament series because they're too pretty
  13. I know the struggle all too well that's what pushed me to upgrade to a boat. I started out with the kayak, and although it has its perks; it sucks getting blown around in the wind. Check out the Power pole micro for $599 retail if you're looking for alternatives. It isn't a trolling motor but will keep you in place no problem in the shallows. Has replaceable battery packs and works like a dream How so? What are the advantages and disadvantages of both?
  14. I appreciate this suggestion thats in between the $1 and $2 grand price range but I still like the idea of something cheaper like a motorguide xi3 or xi5. Thanks for the suggestion though! maybe I can find a used one at the right price All I'm concerned with is the spot lock and I can't stomach the idea of spending $2400-$2600 on an ultrex (almost a third of my boat) when I can get away with the motorguide xi3 for sub $1,000. Then theres the xi5, and or I can look into a Used Terrova. Thanks though!
  15. Hello everyone, I'm a first time boat owner and I have to buy a new trolling motor for my boat. Is it possible to buy a trolling motor with the "Spot Lock" ability without having to dump another $3 grand on an Ultrex? The company/ brand isn't that important to me... I just want to know what kind of trolling motor models are out there that can do the spot lock thing, and those that are perhaps cheaper (ie Motor Guide). I know the Ultrex does, Im pretty sure theres a "power drive 2" from minn kota does as well but that also seems top of the line... What about a Fortrex? Can a minn kota edge do spot lock? Thanks for clarifying
  16. A Story about St Croix: I had the unfortunate experience of flipping my kayak for the first time in early August. Luckily I was in shallow water at the time (only about 5 ft deep), but I had a St Croix MOJO 7'1 MH Fast in a rod holder on my kayak crate sticking straight up in the air. When I flipped, the rod stayed in the rod holder the entire time and was now upside down dragging across the rocky bottom. Additionally, I had a life jacket on which kept me floating and caused me to struggle flipping back over becasue I couldnt stand and use my feet as leverage to lift the kayak. Bottom line: My rod tip dragged across the rocky bottom in 5 feet of water a considerable distance while I struggled to flip the kayak back over and never snapped off. It got gnarly scratches in the mojo purple paint finish because of the rocks but no broken or bent guides or tip. Conclusion: I think some people need to take better care of their belongings and they'll have less problems
  17. Hey @Randy Price Just curious, what model mojo did you buy instead? I'm just curious because I'm in the exact opposite predicament of you... I currently own a Mojo 7'1" MH Fast action rod and I wish I bought a dobyns 734c instead. The build quality and feel of a st croix is phenomenal however I wish my MH fast action mojo was more of a true fast action. When I fish a 1/4 oz swim jig on the mojo I feel like I don't have as much power to fight the fish and horse it out of cover as much as a MH fast action ought to. To me it seems slighly more moderate, and I'd like something a little more stiffer. I'm hoping a Dobyns will be better. What are your thoughts?
  18. For someone relatively new to boating, whats the biggest difference between having an aluminum bass boat versus having a fiberglass bass boat? What are the benefits of each?
  19. @CountryboyinDC I'm glad you told me more info about the cell blok because I never would've known that it's hydrophobic material. Good to know! You're thinking of the Pescador Pro, mines actually the Pescador 12.0 ( a model down from the pro). It unfortunately doesnt have the battery storage in the front like the Pro does. I guess I just have to get over my aversion to drilling holes in a kayak. I liked the cellblok because there's rails by my seat and feet and I could put the fish finder, transducer arm, and battery all in the cell blok. It would be safer in the hull though... I'm gonna have to get creative or get over the fear of things getting wet. Thanks for the info!
  20. @CountryboyinDC I hear what you're saying, thank you for saying that. I also hear what you're saying about accessories getting in the way because on my Perception pescador I have a yak attack rod holder I like having on one of the rails in front of me and I can't stand it because it always seems to get in the way of my stroke, no matter where it is on the rails lol. I actually prefer just setting the rod in between my legs pointed towards the nose of the boat and paddling to my next spot no problem Still sketched out by the idea of water touching the Cell Blok because of the paddle dribble. How does water NOT get inside when that happens?
  21. I haven't 100% figured it out myself yet but I can offer you some tips. 1. For one, its all about how well you know the body of water you're fishing. I have a lake in my backyard in pennsylvania (only 15 acres). I can tell between bass or a panfish just by the way the water broke or the sound that was made. You have to understand, bass will not be "delicate " when eating something from the top of the water ever. When they open their mouths under water, a vaccum affect is created and thats how bass eat all prey. Well when this happens to the water, they are never subtle or gentle 2. Panfish on the other hand, will make the tiniest ripples or "pings", as I like to call them, because on the water they look like pings from a sonar. Theres no noise and it's almost like a tiny little "slurp" when they feed from the water. Whereas, bass literally INHALE anything on the water and bass will never do it gently 3. Last thing I'd like to mention, unfortunately, I'd say 9 times out of 10 those "V shaped things" that youre describing are actually the result of wind. I know, so disappointing to hear that but I mentioned the same thought to a buddy and he tore me a new one. To prove it, he gave me a pair of Costas and there was no fish anytime we saw them. Also, you can see the same movement on a small body of water/ puddle/ pond that you know for a fact does not have any fish in it
  22. How do you feel about YakAttack's CellBlok? Because I'v been looking to purchase it, however, I've been reluctant because I can't see how it'll work. Specifically, what I mean is I have a paddle kayak not a pedal.... as a result, the lower half of my body, anything between my legs, or stuff on my track mount is going to get soaked because of the water dribble that comes off paddle while im paddling. I dont feel comfortable getting my fish finder wet, IN ADDITION to getting the cell block wet that has a battery inside of it and getting that wet too. I'm either gonna break something or electrify myself on the water... Thoughts?
  23. Rich, my advice if you want a kayak, ESPECIALLY if you "dont like kayaking that much", the peddle drive is worth every cent over the paddle kayak. And I bet money their are cheap pedal drive options out there, even if theyre only 10 ft long they're worth it. I don't own the new outlaw, but I own the Perception Pescador 12.0 (not to be mistakened for the pescador pro, mines a lower model). I like my kayak, my biggest problem with it is it doesnt have the fancy seat like the out law or the pescador pro have, and mines not a pedal drive. I never liked the pedal drives at first, for no reason, and after time out on the water I SOON LEARNED the obvious benefit of having pedals. Think about it, whether youre fishing fresh or salt, you can have the rod in your hands, move in and out of stuff without ever having to put your rod down, pick up the paddle, adjust, put the paddle down, pick the rod back up, and then start fishing again for the fish you just spooked. Thats literally what happens with the paddle kayaks everytime youre out on the water. Aka major pain in the ass ***I strongly recommend you find a pedal drive option thats within your budget, and find a good seat. what I mean by a good seat is one thats up high. The guy above talking about "it affects your ability to paddle" is nonsense. I dont't mean to be mean but its only 2-3 inches higher it doesnt affect anything i promise. The main benefits of the seat is it helps your back to last all day (youll be amazed how much your ass and back hurt) and you can see the fish in the water better ***MY ADVICE TO YOU IS TO FIND A PEDAL KAYAK WITH A nice seat, biggest advice, P.S. If you want a kayak that will allow you to stand, look for a kayak that is AT LEAST 33-35 inches wide. that is the minimum
  24. P.S. I recently just made a purchase that I'm quite happy with- I wound up buying Lew's Tournament MB Speed Spool LFS reel bc its a reel I've been interested in after seeing reviews and I found it new at a ridiculously low price. It's the old Lew's Tournament MB, not the new black and Red "tournament MP". The reel I got was on sale on tackle warehouse during december, It got discontinued around February of this year, and it's a $140 reel I found for $100 you can't beat that! I can't wait to get this in the mail No, it doesn't have a flipping switch however it has all the qualities that the Lew's Super Duty G has, literally like a 90% match but half the price. I say thats a win Thank you for all the suggestions!!! Let's Keep the thread going! What rods reels and baits do you guys LOVE throwing for all of your pitching/flipping/ and punching applications? I'm getting myself into trouble bc now this reel makes me want to throw it on a dobyns lol
  25. I actually looked into the Accurist and the black max and silver max because apparently they have it, but I'm trying to stay away from those for obvious reasons. I'm definitely going to take a look at the Megaforce and Castaic now I want something nice like the Lew's Super Duty G, but I've heard mixed things about Lews and im honestly not in love with the reel.
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