by the way, can i also get recommendations on best fishing line (company, color, material, ibs) for bass. the line is going on a shimano curado dc. and yes, i am new to baitcasters.
im only 14 years old lol. i dont have money coming out my pockets to buy lots of setups. well... that is until I start growing a money tree growing in my backyard.
im looking to buy a bass casting rod but i dont want to spend a fortune on getting multiple rods. recommendations on the best overall specs for a casting rod for bass fishing.
Strike king red eye Shad is a prime lure in spring and fall times. Killer colors for me at least are red chart craw, fire tiger, bluegill, any chrome colors and of course sexy Shad (Chrome or Normal are great).
But it’s always good to experiment.
good luck!
100% strike king red eye Shad. I have great luck on these throughout the whole year. They’ve helped me catch a a couple of my bigger bass (specifically a 7ib and and 7.5 iber). My favorite colors are red craw chart. Fire tiger, any chrome/reflective colors and of course the classic sexy shad (chrome or normal works).
you don’t need a drysuit unless your not confident in your kayak skills. Some people like drysuits while some people don’t. It’s a preference thing. But I’ll tell you that you should definitely invest in yourself by purchasing a carhartt jacket. Find one that you like. Trust me it’s perfect for colder weather and it is water resistant even if you are getting heavily splashed. But most importantly you get that carhartt durability. You could put that thing through a meat grinder and it would be fine. Lol.
I’m talking about hardbaits you’d buy from a store. The only reason I’m looking into purchasing a clear coat is so I don’t have to always rebuy hardbaits because the colors/patterns get taken/rubbed off after catching 2 decent fish lol. I hear people always use the Devcon 2 ton epoxy (5 minute dry, 30 minute dry etc.) but people complain about how it starts to yellow your Baits after a while. I’ve researched on clear coats and saw KBS clear diamond coat is great for coating hardbaits (no yellowing). I’m also wondering if you do put coating on a hardbaits, will the coating mess up the baits action in the water?
Opinions once again? Thanks.
p.s being a 14 year old kid in the nail polish selection at a store wouldn’t turn out so good. Imagine locking eyes with a store employee. Lol
I saw a recommendation online to spray a coat of clear coat spray paint on hardbaits
right when you get them so the lure paint/designs won’t fade or come off.
Do you guys typically buy a certain bait
(Ex: lipless crankbait) from only one certain company (Ex: Strike king red eye shad) or do y’all mix up Brands. What I really mean is do you always stick with the bait you know that works or do you try and mix it up.
Alright so I purchased a Shimano Curado dc (left handed) at a 6.4.1 gear ratio since I use a variety of baits due to all the local lakes and ponds I fish. I have been reading around and is gear ratio in the 7s better. Is it worth returning the 6 ratio for a 7 ratio? Thanks.
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