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About bogfrog

  • Birthday 06/03/1959

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Upper Peninsula
  • My PB
    Between 13-14 lbs
  • Favorite Bass
    Largemouth & Smallmouth
  • Favorite Lake or River
    Wisconsin River

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  • About Me
    Literally raised in a commercial fishing boat

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  1. The aviation industry and the space shuttle program fell for it as well. The PAN carbon fibers they use are exclusively Toray, since they are the only ones who make it. Im not affiliated with this company in any way, and nobody is paying me a red cent. I just thought I would share some information that some might find valuable. Im just curious as to why you think I would lie about this. I dont work for any rod blank manufacturers either, never have, but I have taken their calls when they wanted my opinion. Friendly site you have here....
  2. I guess I dont know them well enough to call them liars. Do all the guys on this site get paid for recommending Dobyns too? Where do I sign up...LOL
  3. The guys in the videos are always indoors with their elbows anchored to a table top tying brand new line. When I try it I'm in a boat rocking in 20 mph winds with limp wet line. After 3 tries I remember why I love the palomar.
  4. I have extensive experience in welding. That is the best bet. Youll need to weld a patch over every hole on the inside and fill against this backing from the outside to expect it to hold. Im thinking it will cost more than replacing the canoe. Hopefully not.
  5. Ive used this calculator before with good results. It may help. You know you need to be below 24 and above 19, so if this calculator recommends a prop within those sizes it should be fairly accurate. https://www.vicprop.com/planing_size.php
  6. What about closing up all the holes as good as possible and coating the entire bottom with the spray on bed liner stuff? And also spray small patches over each hole on the inside as well? You would have to get it clean (really clean) before you try it.
  7. Baking soda and water will neutralize acid. Mix it up and pour it on, being careful none gets inside the battery. It will foam until the acid is neutralized. You can wipe it clean and pour a bit more on and leave it to dry to protect from any future acid leaking out.
  8. I just spoke with someone smarter than me (wasnt hard to find) and he explained it like this. To achieve the ultimate bond between graphite the two need to be bonded at the molecular level. An epoxy resin and additives of a certain size and shape of molecules will be more compatible with certain carbon molecules than it will with others. Some carbon materials have been specificallly designed to bond to the highest grade resins in a manner that resembles welded steel, while others are more like glue adhering only to the surface of the materials. In its purest form graphite is a crystal shape that resists molecular bonding and is more like the glue process. Hope I got this right. Who knew fishing rods were this complicated?
  9. Toray is a proprietary material available from only one company. While many fishing ROD manufacturers may very well be using the exact same product, many fishing rod BLANK manufacturers (blanks for custom rods) have their own materials, blends, modulus compositions, tapers, etc. Of course some of these companies sell both finished rods and blanks. To say rods with toray prepreg are the same as other rods without this material is incorrect. I can suggest an experiment you can conduct, that would involve deliberately breaking two very expensive rods. Being a rod builder for over 30 years my customers have conducted this experiment for me dozens of times and I have first hand knowledge how it will turn out. A lot of the confusion on this subject may be due to efforts of manufacturers to convince the public there is no difference. Its easier to find a good advertiser than it is to find an average graphite engineer.
  10. "I still think that's a nice musky." ...Thanks! I worked my butt off for that fish...lol I deal with a company that sells both "graphite" and "carbon fiber" blanks on a regular basis. The difference between the two they always point out is the patented Toray Prepreg. Since their "graphite" and "toray" lines are about the same price it doesnt make sense that they would tell me one is more advanced and possesses superior qualities if it werent true....does it? There REALLY is a difference, I wish I had the knowledge to explain what it is from a technical point. As a rod builder and fisherman i can tell you every reason why, but unless we go fishing I cant prove it to you. If you've ever wondered how Dobyns can take a large market share away from companies like Croix and Loomis, here is your answer. Sure, they cost less, but if performance wasnt equal or better guys like Matt Allen and Tim Little wouldnt be using them. I'll contact my distributor and see if he has some literature Im allowed to share. If he does I will post it.
  11. Im pretty new here myself, but this seems to be a great bunch of guys. Hope you enjoy it!
  12. Blending graphite with boron put gary Loomis on the map in the 70's. Rods constructed with this basic process are what are commonly referred to as graphite today. Toray is a more pure form of carbon with the next essential element being nitrogen. Some of bbthe new nano carbon blanks are amazing. I have a rod built on an American Tackle "nanophene" blank that has a tip like an ultra light with a 4.5/64" tip diameter and a a butt diameter of less than 3/8" and it will cast a 3 oz bait just as hard as you want to throw it. This nano tech is how Dobyyns Xstacy rods are built.
  13. In fishing rods, composite generally refers to a mixture of graphite and glass. Toray is also called carbon fiber. While both toray and graphite have carbon as their base element, their structures are as different as coal and diamonds. Toray uses a material known as polyacrylonitrile. This is a different material than Boron buffered graphite. Im no chemist, but here is a link to the technical stuff. https://www.torayca.com/en/aboutus/abo_001.html In fishing rods this can be identified by the opaque, flat black color on the blanks. Graphite is translucent and unpainted rods blanks allow light to pass through. Rod blanks built using an equal amount of Toray compared to graphite are stronger, and Toray blanks of same strength are lighter. Toray rods also tend to have a more progressive load pattern.
  14. Major Craft rods are constructed with Toray blanks....superior to graphite in nearly every department.
  15. Is it possible that the "best" $100 crankbait rod isnt made by the same company that makes the "best" $100 frog rod? Most of the guys I know would be fishing with entirely different equipment if they had to choose it blindfolded. In most cases they would be much better off! My ex-wife won a Loomis rod as a door prize once, spent an entire day shopping for a a reel at 5 different sporting goods stores, and bought a Shakespeare reel to put on it....because the color matched.
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