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About CJHooker

  • Birthday 08/13/1975

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Minnow (2/9)



  1. Setting the hook can be a trial and error process.Nine times out of ten I'm setting it as soon as I feel a bite,ofcourse there usually is a moment of hesitation to get my slack out.Sometimes I may find that I need to set the hook really quick and I may not alow much slack to get in my line other times,when the fish are really biting and holding on I may have enough time to get the slack out.On the other hand I may need to let them take it good.Usually a big fish is going to suck up anything you are presenting and not play around with it.The smaller ones are the ones tapping and running fast with it.Another thing you mentioned about the hook you are using,this is only my opinion,I like a 3/0 worm hook with an off-set shank on a worm.Not a wide gap.Good Luck!
  2. Cujo that's right it doesn't have to be dramatic.Some drops you need to fish the whole thing or until you find the sweet spot.The best drops have some sort of structure or cover on the top.
  3. Sorry about your rod,but that's funny my boss caught a 46lb. blue cat using the Paca chunk as a jig trailer.Another thing is it's funny how baits that work real well will almost always attract other species.
  4. Don't know how well the T-rig works for you but down here it works well.I usually will use up to a 1/2 ounce sinker in that deep of water.That or shorten up your leader on the C-rig.Hope this helps.Another thing I keep in mind is to always work slow atleast to start out.
  5. NetBait's Paca Crawl is my new found friend in any of the green-pumkin colors.
  6. You can click on a persons user name and get some info on them.Try mine.
  7. I'm in the same boat.Can't get the crankbait bite going yet.I have been catching them on a rattle-l-trap though.Have you tried that?
  8. Bassman,you are in my ballpark.You'll need to start out by keeping your boat in the deeper water and casting to the shallows.I always start atleast a casting distance off the ledge and work it all the way to the deep.The first presentation I try is dragging a jig on the bottom.If I don't get any bites,I will go to lifting it up off the bottom letting the line slack so that the jig will fall straight down.The fish will usually hit it on the fall.I use these same presentations with a 10 inch worm on a Texas-rig.There's alot more to fishing a ledge.It's hard to explain all the details.A good tip is to find the ledge on your depth finder by idling over it and throw out a bouy marker then zig-zag across it a couple of times to try to look for brush then throw another marker on down the ledge about 25-50 yards pending on the size of the ledge.This will help alot especially if you haven't fished it alot.Good Luck!
  9. What are some of these crankbaits you rip?
  10. I agree with Nick green pumkin rules on my lake.Rootbeer has been a good color crankbait!I have posted it before about a shortcut.When I usually find a good color of crankbait,soft plastic,or almost any lure,I go to the bait stores to find them sold out.It gave me the idea those were colors that must be working.So, look for those empty hangers and see if there is a tag on it that shows the color that was there then go to other shops to see if they might have that color in stock.
  11. Oh yeah and about the heat.You may want to look at the water temp in those creeks or if their is alot of vegitation.You may have heard this before but the fish look for higher oxygen levels not for cooler temps.If they have cover or structure,food,and the right oxygen levels you could probally find them in any depth.
  12. Sounds like you have found a good pattern.I tried some of the spring fed creeks that are cooler water temps.Haven't had as much luck as you have.When I go deep in the summer I only go to about 10- 25 ft. of water.I had 2 fish last Saturday one was 6 lb. 14 oz. and the other was 6 lb. 4 oz.off of ledges in about 15 foot of water.I wish our fish would stay shallow in the summer but the biguns' usually don't.
  13. Sorry I didn't read the whole question.The LM was caught on a shad rap in early spring.The SM was caught on a Lucky Craft Sammy 100 in the fall.
  14. Largemouth 7lbs. even Small mouth 3.7lb.
  15. Gonna get my hands on that article.I've noticed a few 3-4lb. smallies weighed in at our tourneys.Most of them caught on a half ounce jig on ledges some of them caught on tubes.I'm guessing in 15-25 ft. of water.I've got a spot marked on my topo I was told had some smallies on it and it is in 20 ft.I fish a lake on your river chain as I think you know.I'll let you know how I do.Good Luck!
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