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John O

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Everything posted by John O

  1. BPS has the Lowrance Elite 9Ti on sale for $599.00 that's about a $400.00 off the regular price. I picked one up yesterday at Daytona BPS. Signed up for their credit card got another 15% off and a $50.00 gift card, lastly another 10% military discount. So I got it for about $400.00. Not to shabby.... Sale is on until Feb. 26th...
  2. John O

    Lund 1875 Pro-V Bass

    I'm having trouble resizing pics for the forum 420x60 makes them wierd to look at.
  3. I too prefer the silver over gold and always change out any gold blades. Also I prefer Willow blades over Colorado blades. May be a Florida thing....
  4. John O

    Lund 1875 Pro-V Bass

    Nice boat A-Jay, we don't see many Lund hulls down here much less set up as well as yours is...
  5. I have a get away house in Big Sandy, Tn. up on Kentucky Lake. I bought a 18' PolarKraft here in Florida and took it up there so I don't have to drag my big boat up there whenever we get away. I love that aluminum hull due to all the river rock bottom boat launches there. My fiberglass 22' Triton would be trashed on the ramps we use...
  6. It has ratchet straps that go down the sides from the bow to stern and hook to the eyes on the stern. When ratcheted down tight you can't pull it off with a crane. It is also vented in the rear. Attwood builds a very durable and $$$ cover.
  7. Not doing to bad down here on Lake Woodruff or Dexter either. This year was a very slow start for Specks...
  8. My back up Triton has a 1999 Mercury 150 XR6 on it. They are true work horses, I love it. As JustBass11 stated they can be hard to start when they are cold, but they WILL start...
  9. Power Pole makes transom mounts for just about every application. Down here (FLA) there lots of center console boats with transom mounted power poles...
  10. Thank you sir...
  11. As close as I am I have never fished Rodman, crazy right...
  12. I'm a big fan of Triton boats they have nice metal boats...
  13. This is a Triton cover made by Attwood, great fit, towable and weather proof. Best cover I've ever bought its about 8 years old now...
  14. Here's my 2001 Triton TR-22 PDC with an Evinrude 225 HO/DI, 36 volt Minn Kota 101 trolling motor and Lowrance front and rear. I installed two Power pole Blades a few years ago...
  15. Thank you for your service as well A-Jay...
  16. John O

    John O

  17. I live on the St. Johns a little further south in the Deland area.
  18. Hi Guys, I'm retired US Navy Submariner and Navy Diver. New to this forum, I was trolling some bass fishing forums and ran across Bass Resource. After scanning through some articles and videos I thought I'd join. There seems to be a lot of knowledge people here to learn from and share with. I own a 2001 Triton TR-22 PDC with a 2005 Evinrude HO/DI on the back and a 36 volt Minn Kota 101 on the front, Power Poles and Lowrance front and rear... Currently a career Firefighter/EMT/Engineer, I work 24 hour shifts with 48 hours off between shifts. This affords me a lot of fishing time which I am very grateful for. I started a photo book on here but most of my pictures are evidently to big to load and I don't know how to resize them, my loss on sharing some great fish pics...
  19. John O

    John O'Connor

    Fishing in Central Florida...
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