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Nelson Delaney

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Everything posted by Nelson Delaney

  1. I have a 3601zx. Frankly I’m disappointed with it for the price. I think it needs a sync’d levelwind. On the cast I can feel the friction as the line comes off.
  2. South east Michigan? I assume the Detroit area? Forget bass fishing & target musky & sturgeon on lake st Clair
  3. Yea I know. But I’m fishing for 40”+ pike and 30”+ steelhead. Sorry OP, I’ve had some early season luck with the now discontinued clackin rap minnow.
  4. sebile magic swimmer, the soft plastic one
  5. I fish for trout & pike during these cold water times. Bass gear still stowed away.
  6. I could go on & on for days....I’m just happy that Mass. is still stocking trout during this corona fun.
  7. This kind of stuff keeps happening in state after state. What amazes me is that the people complain but keep electing the same winners into office
  8. An old timer once told me knee high till July for pickerel. It seems to be accurate. Early in the season they seem to bite anything that moves in shallows. Try top water baits, spooks, torpedo’s. And any type of fluke bait will work in the weeds.
  9. Trout will cut up the fingers as well
  10. And the state has started trout stocking now. Time to test out the new bosses patience
  11. Take a look at the Loomis nrx 901s & 902s.
  12. I’ll be up to catch some of your pike & trout when it’s gone
  13. In Mass it never ends..... as long as I can handle the cold.
  14. I’m 6’1” and 220 or so. I’ve been using the wilderness system commander 120 for a few years. I can stand in it comfortably. Problem is it’s discontinued. Maybe look for a used one.
  15. If you’re going to be in Rye, take a ride up to York beach Maine just a bit before sunset. Bring waders, a rod that can handle 5oz weights, 2-3oz bank or pyramid sinkers, 6-8/0 circle hooks & some frozen herring or mackerel for bait. Be sure to wade out a fair distance as the beach is very shallow a good ways out.
  16. Are you fishing from the shore or a boat? saltwater or freshwater?
  17. I was interested in one until I got the same email. Way too expensive for me. When will the old Xtreme’s go on sale?
  18. Splurge and get a nrx 853
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