Some people are just weak and pathetic so they assert their dominance over women, children or animals to feel powerful. Its disgusting. World would be a better place if this individual would have just taken their belt off and swerved into a tree at 80.
zero tolerance is right. Back about 20 years ago I was in a wal mart parking lot with my buddy Jon and we came across a guy roughing up his wife\girlfriend. Jon rolls down the window and says hey motherf$%&#@- why don't you come try that on me? Guy says ok somebody needs to teach you a lesson anyway and starts walking over. Jon steps out with a tire iron and I step out of the passenger side with a baseball bat.....the guy sees this and stops, I look him right in the eyes and say if you come over here your leaving this parking lot in a body bag. Guy stands there shooting his mouth off and in comes a sheriff... Store manager comes out, told the sheriff what happened and within about 3 minutes guy was in the car heading to jail. I'm glad it didn't escalate further but I was prepared to do some damage if that guy pushed it there.