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Everything posted by DitchPanda

  1. Nirvana- the man who sold the world and Talking heads- take me to the river both come to mind.
  2. Yep an old work buddy turned me onto those years ago... If people knew about it leinenkugels sales of summer shandy would drop %95.
  3. Yup ...shades are rad bud
  4. Best: good with a spinner bait and an accurate caster but my best "skill" is my ability to grind out a bite or two in tough conditions. Worst: swimbaits- of any size. I just don't get it.
  5. Picked up a bottle of Tullamore Dew XO Caribbean rum cask finish today.....gonna give er a shot on the patio.
  6. Healthy looking fish and a content looking pup. I got out today myself and managed to catch 6 bass, biggest was probably 3lbs. Felt good.
  7. Thank you all for the recommendations... Will be checking them out.
  8. So about a month ago I was at a buddies smoking some Chuck roasts and I had my first ever cigar. I'm not a smoker by any means....I've had maybe a pack or two of cigarettes my entire life. That said I did enjoy having a cigar with some whiskey. So for you out there that enjoy the same what are some good mild cigars for occasional smokers? If they pair well with bourbon or rye that's a bonus. For clarification the cigar I had was a deadwood sweet jane...im not sure if its flavored but it was extremely sweet to me.
  9. Thank you all for the kind words....we are doing fine in my household but there are 10s of thousands of people who have a long road ahead of them.
  10. My town and several in my area have been hit hard, lots of people that have no flood insurance because they aren't in a flood plain have suffered total losses. My family has been lucky as we all dodged the worst of it...my sister in law had some damage and water in her basement but that's it. I have several close friends who weren't so lucky. My entire town is without sewer or running water and a big portion of the town has been without electricity since Saturday morning. The important thing is I've heard of no serious injuries or deaths from the flood around here....that's what really matters.
  11. I ordered 2 pairs of the flatrocks off Amazon and received them Monday. They are nice for $25 and fit my head just right. If they hold up for a year ill consider it money well spent.
  12. Some people are just weak and pathetic so they assert their dominance over women, children or animals to feel powerful. Its disgusting. World would be a better place if this individual would have just taken their belt off and swerved into a tree at 80. zero tolerance is right. Back about 20 years ago I was in a wal mart parking lot with my buddy Jon and we came across a guy roughing up his wife\girlfriend. Jon rolls down the window and says hey motherf$%&#@- why don't you come try that on me? Guy says ok somebody needs to teach you a lesson anyway and starts walking over. Jon steps out with a tire iron and I step out of the passenger side with a baseball bat.....the guy sees this and stops, I look him right in the eyes and say if you come over here your leaving this parking lot in a body bag. Guy stands there shooting his mouth off and in comes a sheriff... Store manager comes out, told the sheriff what happened and within about 3 minutes guy was in the car heading to jail. I'm glad it didn't escalate further but I was prepared to do some damage if that guy pushed it there.
  13. That's kinda my feelings as well. I have a few pairs of the strike king S11 glasses and they last about a year...they run $35-$40 so I'm not mad at it. But the kastkings at $25 are a little more budget friendly. Ill pocket the extra $15 a pair and put it towards a bottle of whiskey!
  14. This I believe is in my very near future. Gonna be a bug apocalypse here, my town will be like Hitchcock's The Birds but with mosquitos.
  15. This is a perfect example of lots of things work but few are "the thing". To me its the bait equivalency of spot on a spot.
  16. My thoughts for bank walking and river\creek fishing -if I take a spill and lose my glasses they aren't my $200 Costas. Those are reserved for driving and boat duty.
  17. I have an average size head so we will see how they fit. Worst case scenario I've only got $55 invested in the 2 pairs and ill just give them to my buddies if I don't like them.
  18. Well it turned out much worse than predicted. The previous record flood crest was 35.4ft and yesterday we peaked at 39.9. There's water everywhere.... In the daycare, library, grocery store,tons of homes ...my brother in law has an old creek bed in his backyard from when they rerouted it around town and there's probably 6-8ft water in it. I'm gonna call my supervisor and let him know I won't be in for a few days....I'm not driving 200+ miles a day to work. My buddy Tom just went text me that he doesn't have flood insurance because he's not in a flood plain and his house got hit.
  19. Yes I can. I wade fish that river and last fall it was barely up to my knees in most spots....now its on main street in my home town. We had a "once every 100 years" flood in 2018....the next year we had the "ok this is the once every 100 years" flood...now this is even worse.
  20. Yes it is. Since I posted our Mayor has issued a mandatory evacuation for the west side of town and our water treatment plant is shut down because its under water. Kim Reynolds had declared a state of emergency for our county. And last but not least the prediction of 37.1ft crest was wrong, it has been raised to 39.1ft and they've sent out a new flood map with an area highlighted in red which is the danger zone if the levee around town breaks.
  21. We are experiencing some pretty serious flooding in my area right now..this week alone we have had anywhere between 8-16in of rain here and north of me. The river that runs thru town was already full and has now blown its banks. It is supposed to crest tomorrow into Monday morning at a new record high..flood stage here is 20.5 ft and it is supposed to get over 37. There are several houses in town that will receive serious water damage not to mention thousands upon thousands of acres of crops....and on a minor yet crappy note my local lake which was fishing better this year than the previous 3-4 years is bordered by the river and will likely get blown out.
  22. Thanks for the response...I'm gonna pull the trigger on a couple pairs of the flatrocks.
  23. Couscous...the food so nice they named it twice.
  24. Gonna be buying a few pairs of decent sunglasses for bushwhacking and river fishing. Looking for something a little better than the $5 walmart options but because of the nature of what ill be doing don't want alot invested. Anybody have any experience with these?
  25. We will let @TnRiver46 watch it and if he can actually catch a bass on one then maybe we can say its everything you need to know!
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