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Everything posted by DitchPanda

  1. Well I tried the first bottle that I infused with cinnamon, orange peel, cocoa beans and coffee beans. EPIC FAIL. I followed the directions and even after only 24hrs it was undrinkable. Ill check the one with wood chips in a few weeks and see.
  2. Pulling for him man
  3. So for Christmas my sister in law bought me a whiskey infusion kit. Its got cocoa beans, Thai bird chilis, coffee beans, cinnamon, orange peel and chai mix for botanicals. Its also got 3 different types of wood chips. The kit also comes with 2 empty 350ml bottles and an instruction booklet with several recipes. I took 2 bottles of pretty meh whiskey and am in the process of infusing right now...I made sure to keep enough of each base whiskey to compare to the finished product. Anyway I probably would have never bought one for myself but as a whiskey lover I feel it was a very thoughtful gift and am excited to see the results.
  4. I went to a private bourbon tasting raffle today and I was able to pick up a Stagg 23A and a 2024 Michters barrel strength rye. They are both fantastic.... Easily top 5 pours for me for sure and thats fresh cracked bottles.
  5. I've actually got a middle west spirits dark pumpernickel rye cask strength store pick on my counter for today. Winter is rye season!
  6. Toss up for between between Last Christmas by Wham and Father Christmas by the Kinks. Also have a soft spot for Christmas wrapping by The Waitresses from my days cutting meat in a grocery store.
  7. Glad to hear you like it...no buyers remorse there! Ill try a pour if I see it in a bar sometime.
  8. I've never had anything from Uncle nearest but four roses single barrel is a solid pour. If you don't mind spending a little more and you enjoyed the knob creek 9 then maybe consider stepping up to a knob creek 12 if you can find one. 9 is usually between $35-$40 here and 12 is usually $60-$70 and definitely worth the price difference to me.
  9. So the Larceny and the Ezra rye are both delicious. The same day I got those I picked up a Benchmark top floor and 2XO French oak, both of which are pretty meh. I wish I would have skipped those 2 and picked up a backup bottle of KC 12, that's some yummy stuff.
  10. I've never tried anything from smoke wagon but I've always been intrigued. I picked up a bottle of Larceny barrel proof B524 and an old Ezra full proof 7yr rye the other day, I'm excited to try those. Pickens are usually slim here but I also saw like 6 bottles of Ben Holladay soft red wheat rickhouse proof, 6 bottles of Elijah Craig barrel proof C924 and 2 bottles of knob creek 12.
  11. Nothing fishing related....planning to get a few space heaters, a small freezer and a mini fridge for my basement. Only thing currently on my me list is a bottle of Sagamore 9 year rye or a Wild Turkey 70th anniversary Jimmy Russell 8 year if I can find one, I've been looking for 6 weeks and haven't seen any.
  12. I'm going to preface this by saying for nostalgia reasons I really wanted to see Tyson destroy Paul, however I knew in my heart that there was basically no chance of that happening. I keep hearing people say man can you believe how that turned out? Can I believe that an almost 60 year old man got out boxed and wore down by a 27 year old that is in his prime and has been constantly training and boxing the past several years? Of course I can...in fact even though I was hoping for a different turnout I'd be in disbelief had it gone the way most wanted
  13. First drinks in a few weeks today, I was sick part of the time and honestly wasn't feeling it outside of that...but todays the day. Started with a 1oz pour of Tin Cup 10yr...right now I'm enjoying a knob creek 7 year rye old fashioned. After supper tonight ill have a nightcap of Russell's reserve single barrel.
  14. Well I'm not planning on having enough to hurt me, although when you get buddies together on a nice fall day things happen. So my plan is to control my intake, however I'm having my wife drive me just in case.
  15. 100% agree, I really enjoy Halloween but kinda despise Christmas. My wife loves it but I don't get it.
  16. Nice haul! Got a day planned for next weekend with a couple buddies so I picked up some bottles to sample: got a store pick Jack Daniels single barrel rye, a store pick John J Bowman single barrel and a Makers mark lost recipe. Plus my buddy Joe picked me up a Weller special reserve when he was in Kansas City that he's bringing for me. I know its the base Weller but its my first Weller product since they basically don't exist here so im excited to try it.
  17. Haven't been drinking much but I've been buying! Bottle I'm currently looking for is Wild Turkey Jimmy Russel 70th anniversary... Its 101 at 8-9 years old and it retails for about $50. Every review I've seen or read has been extremely positive. Admittedly I'm a Wild Turkey fan so I'm sure ill enjoy it, if I can find one.
  18. I always look forward to your trip reports. They always remind me of wading for redfish, specks and flounder when I was growing up. And I appreciate your spread of quality beverages! Btw how is the still austin? I've wanted to try their stuff but can't find any around me.
  19. Recently picked up a knob creek 12 at one of my local stores and tried it tonight for the first time, it lives up to the hype. Also my buddy found me the new Jim Beam winter reserve today and I started off with that, its pretty impressive for the money. I'm glad I told him to snag 2 for me! Its got a little of the beam nuttiness but its mostly got a solid cinnamon, clove, nutmeg baking spice thing going on. Plus some vanilla\marshmallow on the finish. Its 6 year old beam that's finished in a toasted barrel..that's a helluva bourbon for $26.
  20. Fantastic!
  21. Cooking is a huge one for me...I love grilling and smoking meat but also enjoy cooking inside as well. My biggest hobby outside of fishing is whiskey hunting\shopping....I'm sitting somewhere around 65ish bottles right now. Not collecting, all the bottles are open...I just enjoy having lots of options and trying new bottles then sharing them with friends and family. That reminds me I need to track down a bottle of Ardbeg Uigedail soon!
  22. I'm gonna have to try the Teachers...the low price with th consistently positive reviews has me intrigued. Worst case ill use it in cocktails.
  23. Always a good call...what bourbon?
  24. Better or worse than Teachers?
  25. Was very impressed by the Early Times BIB last night, lived up to the hype. Tonight im enjoying a penicillin cocktail, maybe a new favorite for me.
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