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Everything posted by Michigander

  1. I'm against nuclear power. The price of, albeit VERY rare, catastrophic failure is too high for me.
  2. Also won't be too long before solar panel bed covers are widely available to help extend range too. ?
  3. We just have to up our personal logistics to get through this. The days of ordering baits on Tuesday/Wednesday for a fishing trip on Saturday are gone. Plan ahead, weeks ahead.
  4. Gas won't go away until the refineries close their doors. If nothing else, they'll stay open mainly to support aircraft which is harder to switch to electric, dead batteries weighing the same as full batteries and whatnot.
  5. Oh sure, but I want that AND a regular sized trunk. ?
  6. Not having an actual trunk is my only real complaint about truck life. I would go electric just to get a Frunk. It'll be bittersweet because I really like my truck.
  7. It's like anything else, gotta vote with your dollar. They'll change if they start losing enough money.
  8. Welcome from Lansing!
  9. I wouldn't look at guide size, they lie. The number you're interested in is the inside diameter of the guides. You'll probably have to call your supplier and ask as the posted measurements are usually the outside diameter which is useless to you. I also use leader knots and measured the ID of the smallest guides on a rod I already had that I knew passed the knot to get my number. Any slight fraction of a gram you get from the guides can be eliminated by moving the reel seat up a bit.
  10. I would be interested to know the actual break strength of that line. Maybe he was using a slow or moderate rod as well?
  11. See, I actually like that pattern. No, that pattern isn't available for the general public to my knowledge.
  12. I was just thinking a wee bit to fill the little cracks, but nail polish is a good suggestion!
  13. Yeah, you'll lose about an inch of casting distance. ? Seriously though, as long as you don't crack the metal, you won't notice a difference. I bend guides back all the time when I step on them. And the epoxy isn't doing anything other than protecting the thread which is actually holding the guide on.
  14. Bend it back by hand and seal up the cracked epoxy with some 5 min epoxy? To do it "right" would be to totally remove and fully replace with a new guide.
  15. The clear silicone tubing works wonders. I also use it to repair Keitech heads and split jig trailers.
  16. I think spinning takes less skill to get good with but more skill to get great with compared to casters.
  17. Yes! And catching on my custom jig rod with a jig I tied is EXTRA satisfying.
  18. I'll add a new favorite, I've caught fish on three of the four rods I've built now. Extreme feeling of satisfaction from catching a fish on a rod I built specifically for me is certainly a favorite aspect.
  19. Motors and trailers are a hard pass for me on kayaks. I've got a real boat for all of that. But casually tossing my kayak in the back of the truck and just going to the lake is awesome. No fuel, no maintenance, and no major expenses is a joy for me.
  20. Congratulations!!
  21. Unfortunately that's the only real way to get your answer. ?
  22. We assumed they told their friends that they were taken to "The Above".
  23. I go dry on reels that I want high drag and a light grease on the carbontex plus a mirror polish on the metal drag washers for light line applications. Doing this seems to reduce the max drag available but I don't care about the upper limit on light line, I want immediate smooth operation.
  24. I called NFC to ask the difference between the prefixes and they told me to ignore them and just look at the line and lure weight ratings, lol
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