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Everything posted by Michigander

  1. Tell me more about this "uploading". Gonna build my first spinning rod soon.
  2. If it penetrates the mat, then yes. Only one way to find out. Mat resistance varies. I can usually get through with 3/4 around these parts.
  3. Congratulations!!!! Yeah, I'm going to have to go out of state to join the double digit club.
  4. I like the Owner ST's and have had good luck with the Mustard short shank ones that have KVD's face on the pack.
  5. You did the right thing. Disassemble and bend it back!
  6. Swammers are baller for swim jigs as long as you're not in cold water or trying to do a slow retrieve. My full Swammer review: -Better as a swim jig trailer than alone, really excellent body shake that makes the skirt move. -Good marks for durability, can catch many fish on a single bait. -Poor marks for low speed action, they don't move much or at all if you aren't retrieving at a medium or high speed. -Poor marks for cold water performance, the colder the water, the faster you have to retrieve to get the tail to move. Conclusion: An excellent choice as a durable, summer swim jig trailer.
  7. Then call me a steerer. LoL. Used to drive manual semi trucks for the Army through the Alps, that's enough for my whole lifetime.
  8. I do like a fluke or a walking bait during a light rain. For heavy rain, I just do what I would normally do but try to take advantage of the fact that the weather is helping to conceal my presence.
  9. That's fine by me. I just want to shift to go mode and be done with it. Transmissions are even good enough for painless mountain towing nowadays which was my only minor opinion holdout.
  10. Mods are the unsung heroes of forums. Thank you!
  11. My wife buys stuff on there all the time. It's just Chinese Amazon basically.
  12. Electrical tape works too if you don't care much about looks.
  13. I like to keep them short enough that I can easily get to the rod tip, so 7' or less. Also shorter handle is better for me.
  14. It's a primary technique for me. Hope you have lots of luck with it!
  15. I've been testing Swammers as swim jig trailers and they work really well. Quite durable and they get that skirt shaking. The only two areas they get really poor marks is cold water (plastic gets too stiff) and that they don't move much or at all at slower speeds. But as a warm water, medium to high speed trailer, they are fantastic. That they go through vegetation horizontally pretty well. Anything beyond that is just refinement.
  16. The treble hooks are the main problem for me. Most of the places where bluegill profile shine around here have too much vegetation for this lure. I have good success with weedless presentations though!
  17. I haven't caught any on it yet, but I also always fail to throw it when conditions seem great for it. Seeing it in the water, I don't disbelieve that this is a good lure.
  18. I put in Thrasher 12 k tube like you wrote which was unsuccessful. Thrasher composite handles worked though.
  19. I did a quick search but didn't turn up anything useful. You have a link?
  20. I think I had one order that took two weeks to get to me, but most stuff shows up about a week after I ordered it. Maybe I'm also lucky. ?
  21. The Lightning Raptor surely will, but they could offer the initial ones at a lower cost just to get them out there and let other people see them. I feel like the Thunderbird could get released as electric. The marketing materials write themselves.
  22. But you do have to plan ahead if you're buying from them, 16 days to ship isn't trivial. If other places have the product and can get it shipped faster, why even bother with TW? I guess I'm just a little confused why this keeps getting brought up.
  23. Sure, but if my truck explodes, I just get annihilated. If a power plant has a fail, you get Chernobyl or Fukushima Daiichi. The scope of the disaster is totally different.
  24. Even if it was top notch, the possibility of catastrophic failure still exists. Stuff happens.
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