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Everything posted by Michigander

  1. And I've picked up a Fuego for $72 on Amazon. Deals are out there if you have the time to wait for them.
  2. I do! And I've spent this pandemic learning 3D design so I can print basically anything my mind comes up with now. The experimentation process will determine if I can print nice injection molds or if I need to be printing masters and making injection molds out of metal resin. And by "nice" I mean from a heat dissipation point of view.
  3. Yes, I like his channel. Learned a lot of the basics. I'm dipping my toe in this year. I'm going to try 3D printing molds and if that works then the biggest cost for personal use will be dropped significantly.
  4. https://www.2kjigs.com/ Not sure if they sell the ones like I posted currently. Didn't see them anyway. But these are the blades, Dutch Fork Mag Willow Ghost Blades. https://dutchforkcustomlures.com/shop/?product=anti-freeze-mag-willow
  5. Yeah, total crapshoot. I think a lot of it is that there's different aspects to a rod's power but manufacturers only use one general term. For example, the Common Cents system defines three attributes that comprise a rod's power. Power Generally used to describe a rod or blank's stiffness or resistance to bending. See Tip Power, Power Reservoir, Intrinsic Power Tip Power A measure of the power of the tip of a rod as defined by the CCS. Power Reservoir A measure of the force required to deflect a rod a distance equal to one half of the rod's length. Intrinsic Power See ERN. Also expressed in units of grains in accordance with the conversion tables of the Rosetta Stone
  6. For boat rods, that's my preferred location for a hook keeper. I like that my tungsten weights are slapping the grip rather than the blank when in the rod locker. #Potholes #RoughWater
  7. No thanks. Too rich for my blood. I'll 3D print or carve something similar before I fork over that kind of cash.
  8. Truth. Love catching them but I can't spare the wasted time while on the tournament clock. One of these guys makes everything much better.
  9. I put my bladed jigs in my pike box because that's all I catch on them too.
  10. It's by a Michigan company, 2K Jigs.
  11. Only spinner bait I really throw has a single big plastic blade.
  12. More flashy + more splashy = more pike
  13. Small run, hand made, special leather stitched over the frame, etc.
  14. Nope. Pitching is where it's at for me.
  15. Will second Genny Light. Also, if you can get Old Style in your area, it's a gooden.
  16. Ultra Mega Braid? No... Is legend.
  17. I'm so glad I am in no way tempted to buy that.
  18. My buddy has that one and he likes it. We've washed the boat/trailer no prob
  19. I don't like ordering parts and waiting for the package to arrive to verify I ordered the correct things. Grinding guide feet sucks too. ?
  20. First bass of 2021, nothing special as far as size. But I'm on the board!!
  21. You can also add a foam earplug into the body to make it float and now it's a frog. ?
  22. I too, am a slave to fashion. Good pairing! #MatchyMatchy There's always the next level.... https://www.amazon.com/dp/B076Y2WCCL/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_glt_fabc_YC5BAVTFEMSFXTAT72VV?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
  23. Pike took the last of my Poe's. That's ok, plenty of Spooks left.
  24. Oh, well that would be right on then. I called them, gave a description of my water/fish, and said build me a $30-$40 free rig starter kit. It was fun to open the box because I had no idea what would be in it, lol.
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