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About SuperDuty

  • Birthday September 11

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  • My PB
    Between 12-13 lbs
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  • About Me
    Just a guy who enjoys the outdoors. Kayak fishing is what I enjoy the most as it really makes you feel apart of nature. 

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  1. CZ makes a lot of fine firearms. Love the CZ75 and also the 452 rimfires. They are amazing rifles!
  2. I am using the $40 scotty mount for my new 93Sv and haven't had any issues running with it. https://www.amazon.com/Scotty-163-Finder-Universal-Mounting/dp/B07SS96C7M/ref=sr_1_3?crid=2FRDAJYZ5WX79&keywords=scotty+ball+mount+fish+finder&qid=1678897526&sprefix=scotty+ball%2Caps%2C103&sr=8-3
  3. I just picked up the 151 MGL and a Daiwa SV TW. I am having a very hard time deciding which one I like better, if there is a better one. It seems the MGL casts better or maybe, I just set it up better. Either way, I am loving the MGL.
  4. Depends who you ask. I’m not really sure if anyone really knows. My sister is a doctor and was leading the treatment for her hospital and she told me I wanted to wait 48hrs after my last fever before I returned to work. Google says you can pass it up to two weeks. ?‍♂️
  5. Well, I’m finally heading into work today for the first time this week. This time getting Covid was the worst thing my body has ever experienced. I’m still at only about 40-50% but I need to get in and get stuff done. The GF has covid now, too, but she didn’t have it bad like me, thankfully. I did get to put in a little work on the boat last night which was nice. I hope to hit the banks and do a little fishing on the way home from work this afternoon if I’m not too exhausted. We’ll just have to see how I feel. I appreciate all the kind words, fellers.
  6. I just bought it from Bass Pro.
  7. I can relate. Three years ago I bought a brand new Tatula SV and mounted on a new St Croix rod. The first day out with it in my kayak going down a river, it (presumably) snagged a tree limb, and slipped unnoticed out of the back of the yak to never be seen again. That combo never made its first cast.
  8. Yours has a different spool than mine does and it’s pretty sweet. Yours doesn’t have the gold accents that mine does tho. I like the gold accents, especially with the gold on the Daiwa Rebellion.
  9. They definitely achieved their goal!
  10. The second I picked up the Rebellion rod, I knew I had to have it. It just felt amazing to me in every way and seemed to be a quality rod. I didn’t realize the Sv TW would compliment it so well with all the gold accents. the Curado MGL 151 is lighter than the SV TW and a bit smaller as well. They are both wickedly butter smooth. To glance over them both, the Daiwa looks like a higher end reel where as the MGL looks like something you would find on the shelf at Walmart. They both seem to have very good reviews so I wanted to give each an opportunity. Still waiting on a rod to arrive from Fedex today so I can get the MGL mounted up.
  11. My sister’s Great Pyrenees refuses ro come in when there is snow on the ground. He absolutely loves it.
  12. Great story and nice bucks! Looks like beautiful country out there. I am grateful this is happening now and not opening weekend of deer season. I would be extremely disappointed. I probably would be hunting anyways …
  13. Hopefully I wake up tomorrow feeling luke a shiny new penny. But it seems i’ve only gotten worse ad the day’s went on….
  14. I’m the same way, I never get sick. I knew something was off with this, I have never felt this bad from I can remember. And I know I should take it easy as hard as that is to do. I’m not one to sit still. My sister is a doctor and she said the most critical thing is to stay hydrated well, and to take lots of vitamin C. So that’s what I’m doing. and yeah I know I shouldn’t be around people but fortunately for me, I work at the hospital in IT so they’re around it all day anyways. I went out to the garage a bit ago thinking that I could at least string my new reels. Nope, couldn’t even stand to sit upright. ?‍♂️ thanks guys!
  15. Well I had every intention on coming home last night and working on the boat. I’ve got it tore apart right now because I ran wiring for all the LEDs I am installing in it and for the 5 gang switch panel I sunk into the cockpit area. I also need to install the new Garmin 93sv, mount rod holders, etc . So, I went out to the shop and climbed up in the boat but couldn’t muster the energy to do anything because I felt so sick. Instead, I came back in the house to a scalding hot shower to get rid of the chills, and went to bed at 8pm which is very unusual for me. I’ve had the absolute worst body aches snd fatigue imaginable along with sweats and chills. Woke up to a bad sore throat and a 101.3 fever this morning. And then, I tested positive for covid this morning. Yay me! No fishing for me this weekend…. So I am laying on this couch all day thinking about fishing and wanting to work on the boat. My brain tells me to get out there and work on it but as soon as I stand up, I quickly realize I can’t barely even stand. Ugh this sucks!!!
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