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Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location

    I live in Dallas, TX  I usually fish in the Dallas area, within 50 miles, but occasionally Minnesota, Wisconsin, South Carolina, or anywhere I'm located.
  • My PB
    Between 9-10 lbs
  • Favorite Bass
  • Favorite Lake or River

    I prefer any of the tiny lakes in the Dallas area. I don't have a boat. I like them tiny so I can reach most of the lake from the bank. I caught my largest bass in a two acre pond. An example is Lakeside Park lake in Duncanville, TX, but there is no way I'm telling you my actual favorite lake!

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  • About Me

    I recently retired as a school teacher. I had a heart attack on Christmas day, 2019, but I feel great now. I recently found the best fishing hole in Texas and I plan to prove it, but haven't yet. Since I'm retired, I now have more time to fish.

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Minnow (2/9)



  1. Wow on your PB in your profile. Wow again. Nice work!
  2. That's enormous for Maryland with colder waters. Nice bass!
  3. Thanks jbsoonerfan. Wait a minute, what kind of fan???!!!
  4. Click on any member's name and you can see their personal best in the profile section under My PB. I see yours is 5 to 6 pounds. Nice work! Also, in the South bass grow bigger (But definitely not Muskie-I lived in Minnesota in the past.) So a Texas 10 pound Largemouth and a Minnesota 6 pound Largemouth are about equivalent.
  5. I'm brand new to this forum and it looks great and very helpful. I'm wanting to search BassResource members not by location, but by personal best fish. Does anyone here know how to do that? I figured out how to search the member map, but haven't figured out how to search members by personal best or pb bass or largest fish caught. While you're at it, you can answer my other question that I posted within the hour or so, also under rejn. Thanks a lot. Richard E
  6. I'm a bass fisherman, so don't stop reading when I start by mentioning catfish. My question is about Largemouth Bass. I've heard some catfish anglers recommend releasing giant catfish when they are caught so the ecological balance of that part of the lake or river won't be disturbed. (The catfish and carp guy recommends this.)But, as I said, this recommendation came from catfish anglers who want to keep catching big catfish. It seems to me that the diet of catfish and bass, while not identical, are very similar. I'm thinking of a particular area that I think is prime habitat for both bass and catfish. I was fishing for bass, but hooked something much larger. It was no log or rock. While I was NOT cranking the reel, my pole bent over like a shark hit it. When I set the hook, I couldn't budge it. OK, I admit it, I broke my 12 pound line without moving the fish one inch. In my mind, perhaps this was an 80 or 100 pound catfish. I remember the location exactly, and will return when mama catfish are filled with eggs because, even though I'm after bass, I would be thrilled to catch a hundred pound catfish. Here's my question. If I indeed catch a huge catfish, should I keep it or release it since my real goal is to catch a huge largemouth bass? It seems that a hundred pound catfish must be eating an enormous amount of bass food that I would prefer the area bass would eat. Or would it make little difference to the nearby bass? Richard E
  7. Wishing you the best as well. I had a heart attack on Christmas day, 2019, but I got a stent in a coronary artery and feel just great now. God has given me my healing! Now I can enjoy my family and spend more time fishing. Best to you.
  8. Very glad to hear about your clear MRI! I had a heart attack on Christmas day, 2019, but now I feel great. Keep loving your family and keep catching those big fish. Richard
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