I have 2 Abu baitcasters and a spinning setup. I use the baitcasters for the heavier baits (spinner, crank, etc.) and the spinning setup for the weightless worms and some of the smaller topwater and divers.
I live in FL and mainly fish Rivers for Bass instead of the lakes, and I love the wenching power of my baitcasters, (something you definitely need with fish here) yet really have a hard time fishing them in the skinny tributaries where the trees and brush overhang the water 10-15'. I almost bought another spinning reel, but what I'd like to have is a more "finesse" baitcaster setup that I can use for lighter worms and some of the Rapala lures that my Abu's can't quite throw without a quarterback's arm.
I use Med action rods on my Abu's, is there a reel that might be able to handle the smaller lures without buying another spinning rig?