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About Hartwood71

  • Birthday November 11

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  • Gender
  • Location
    New Jersey
  • My PB
    Between 7-8 lbs
  • Favorite Bass
  • Favorite Lake or River
    Some random small private lakes in NY and Florida.  

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  • About Me
    Love all fishing with artificials.  Fresh and Salt water.  Fly-fishing, bait casting and spinning.   Most largemouth fishing in Orange County, New York and Palm Beach County, Florida. 

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  1. FWIW, I ordered my 733 BWC and received it within five days, contrary to all the negative feedback here. Furthermore, the fella on the phone was eager to help me work out a rod choice for my specific goal. Now, I found the rod runs stronger than the labeled specs. Not a bad thing per se, as the quality and sensitivity are definitely there, but worth considering a rod a notch lighter than usual for a specific purpose. Better yet, I found talking with them helped me rectify that so i ended up with a great rod for jerkbaits. I'm getting a second rod.
  2. Congrats. Supply chains get disrupted, but the love of the game doesn’t change.
  3. Bummer. Stick with it. You’ll find your confidence baits. Are you bank fishing or from floating position?
  4. Sympathies. My family has gone through a similar 18 months. We find focusing on the memories have taken over for the shock. The laughs have replaced the blues. The stories have replaced the stresses. Simultaneously, it’s offered our kids a look at rights of passage and as a result they’re learning about how to separate the things which matter from the things that don’t. Our parents keep on teaching us even after they’ve moved on.
  5. I’ve fished southern NY state (near Montecello) about a dozen times this spring; as recently as today. Been catching a lot of pre-spawn bass over the last two months in water ranging from 38 degrees to now 61 degrees (today). Just yesterday that water temp was 49. Still no vegetation growing so the fish have continued to stick to structure. Given they generally spawn in water from 55-65 degrees, once they’re ready to pop, they do. So I think this warm spell is going to get the water temps at this latitude high enough for the majority of the spawn to take place over the next couple weeks. That said, I haven’t yet seem any big mammas on beds, but I did see my first bass fry today!
  6. It’s also known as the most fun (and upsetting) way to break a rod.
  7. I live in northern NJ, and have been fishing quite a bit in southern NY over the last month, in lakes of varied depths. In the lake ranging from 2-10 feet, I’ve have great success in water 4-7 feet when it’s windy (5-15 mph), fishing around structure (laydowns, beaver dams) with jerkbaits. Caught 30-40 bass total over four trips. Starting to see some fish around beds, but they are definitely still pre-spawn ( 3-lb in pic below) and more interested in structure. In calm-to-no-wind situations, the fish have almost no interest (no finesse stuff, no jerkbaits, no crankbaits, no nothing). In lakes with more depth range (4-20+ feet) I’m not seeing any fish bedding in the shallows yet. Water temps have been 44-50 degrees. Grass beds haven’t grown yet, so there is much less cover - thus the reason for crowding close to structure. This may sound silly, but dressing in layers for the weird weather changes has been crucial for me. If you’re comfortable, you can stick with it more and build confidence with a certain bait or presentation. Once you have confidence in something you’ll find the right slot and catch a lot of bass, despite the cold.
  8. I also live in northern NJ, and have been fishing quite a bit in southern NY over the last month, in lakes of varied depths. In the lake ranging from 2-10 feet, I’ve have great success in water 4-7 feet when it’s windy (5-15 mph), fishing around structure (laydowns, beaver dams) with jerkbaits. Caught 30-40 bass total over four trips. Starting to see some fish around beds, but they are definitely still pre-spawn ( 3-lb in pic below) and more interested in structure. In calm-to-no-wind situations, the fish have almost no interest (no finesse stuff, no jerkbaits, no crankbaits, no nothing). In lakes with more depth range (4-20+ feet) I’m not seeing any fish bedding in the shallows yet. Water temps have been 44-50 degrees. Grass beds haven’t grown yet, so there is much less cover - thus the reason for the crowding close to structure.
  9. Can anybody tell me what the best aftermarket treble hooks are for small jerk baits? Specifically for Megabass vision 110 jr and Duo Realis Rozante 63sp? I’m having trouble finding those #8 and #10 hook sizes on TW.
  10. We just finished a five family zoom session. Despite the distance, the connection seemed stronger. Overcoming the distance- that sort of thing. Proof again, that absence can make the heart grow fonder. In some twisted way, this whole experience holds some real benefits. For example, this has definitely helped me to draw a more clear line between the things that matter to me and the things which don’t. Happy Easter or anything else you choose to value. Besides, I’m fishing more than ever this spring ?
  11. Ironically, I’m fishing more because of the whole coronavirus experience; about 10 times so far this spring. Working from home and need breaks. Lucky to have access to water and this website for added motivation.
  12. Nope. Crushed the barb and pull her right back out. Ship shape now! The tough part was getting the flopping 2.5-lber off the third hook while my finger was latched to the first hook. I was holding the fish in my left hand while my right hand had it's uninvited guest stuck to it. I was literally sitting there thinking to myself, "how the hell and Im gonna get outta this one?" All in, pretty funny. I'll definitely be more carful hand-gaffing around jerkbaits for a while.
  13. Great day here in Southern NY. 50 degrees in the air and water. 20 largemouth between buddy and myself (adhering to social distancing, diff boats :-). Most notable hook up was definitely unplanned. Moral of the story- don’t be lazy hand-gaffing a jerkbait-caught bass.
  14. Way to go! Can’t think of a better way to fight the cabin fever. You’ll be energised by that for weeks.
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