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  1. if your a spinner raised like me you will hate the baitcast for lightweight. there is no competiionat casting distance or side skipping. if you try to throw near as close with 3/16oz or less backlash heaven is all i can say. i would say a minimum of 1/4 oz and probably 1/2oz lure for learning the jist. there are some heavy plastics though such as senkos and Fat Ika,s which are managable on baitcasters.
  2. i use 6lb fluoro and we all use the uniknot around here . it always cinches very clean. when tieing a kink or burn in fluoro and it becomes worthless. always wet it in your mouth before cinching. that the key to any knot with fluoro. the uniknot always comes out pretty. Ps if the learn the uniknot pull the tag first the pull the main line and it cinches down, and always wet it.
  3. i only use the palomar for dropshot other than the the uniknot is too easy and comes out very clean every time once you learn it. like above wet your knot tie it without clinching yet then place in your mouth to wet thoroughly and then cinch. With the palomar keep the two tags pinched together through out the tieing process and cinch by pulling both tags together and as the tag/loop gets smaller fold it over so it doesnt grab the backside of the eyehole on the hook it self. it take a few trys, again wet in mouth before full cinch. and like above also place the line in with out folding first/ feed/ looop and bring back through.
  4. the guy above that mentioned a nicer rod does help. i started with cheaper rods and higher modulus rod do make a difference especially with texas rig. some fish will just barely pick it up and the spit a second later.
  5. i learned on spinners. you can really whip lightweight lures much further. it just a matter of feeling the tip of your rod backloading and slinging. I can cast a 1/16oz bullet weight with 4 inch worm easy. sometimes you can get a ton of problems with spinner from how you spool your line on, especially fluorocarbon. i go to the park after i put it on; I open the bail and walk out the line and lay it down . if you got a boat then justt let the line run out behind the boat with no lure. then reel it in pichin the line with you fingers before it spools to keep it tight. it will still get a little memory from the spool but now its managable. also use a 2500 size spool or larger and larger and the line size goes up. tiny spools leave tighter looop of memory. somethin that also happens is the line wants to jump off your spool and twist when your lure hits the water. with a little practice just flip the bail over before as it hits the water. line twist and birdnests eliminated no matter what combo your using. in most cases your line after a 100 casts will start to lose memory more and more. the other thing cool about spinners is that if your line is not jumping off and twisting you can just leave bail open as the bait hit the water and falls straight down to the bottom. essentially you have added the depth of the water to the distance of your cast since the bait doesnt arc back towards you as it falls to the bottom. good luck i kill um with 1/8 oz drop shot and texas on 6 lb fluoro. find some info on spooling and flip that bail when casting you'll get . i havnt has a line problem in years.
  6. the only thig is the daiwa is lighter it will be more comfortable through out a day of fishing.
  7. which one i fish dvl in california a clear water resevoir with lot of rock and added weed structure along the bank. is 6-12 too light feel it with heavier weight to get deeper and is 8-15 too heavy for really light shallow weight. if i were to pick one for both what would it be?
  8. are bananas bad luck or somthing? I saw that in a surfing movie when one guy wanted to take bananas while on a trip to surf the cortez bank.
  9. thanks guys for the input. im gonna experiment and see what happens. right now a i put 8lb yozuri ultra soft on my baitcaster cause the guy at the store sold me on it. Anyone know if yozuri ultra soft is more responsive than mono? The water here is very clear so I also want to try some 8lb or 10another siteluoro next on my baitcaster and see what happens. Im afraid 12 is too big for 1/8oz wieghts and 4 in worms. if it turns out to be a mess baitcasting then im gonna go with some kind of spinning outfit for that rig. Thanks guys and happy hooksets.
  10. i have only gone bass fishing twice now and the challenge has me hooked. i have only caught one yet. I bought two baitcast rods recently for bass fishing because i was told thats what bass guys use. A 7ft berkley series one im7 10-25lb, and then I picked up a used 6ft team daiwa 8-14lb im6. Anyway, my fishing spot is a rocky resivoir and i lost all my drop shot weights after a few casts. Then lost many carolina rigs. I then tryed swimming texas rigs to keep from losing them, no luck. There is a rocky drop off where fish can be found 20-30 off the shore line. I then met a guy doing texas rig with 1/16oz weights or less on 4in worms, with 6lb fluoro on a im9 spinning rod. he said you can barely feel them suck up the worm then its time to set. he seemed to be the only guy producing from the bank. I seem to do pretty well at not losing rigs after going to a 1/8oz texas rig but on 8lb mono. I mimicked the other guys technique of a painfully slow retieve with small rod tip action, and actually landed my first fish. It was surreal moment. I had no idea how long it would be till I would actually hook a largemouth. My question is this, if i have to use this technique, do i want fluoro or mono for worming? Is fluoro invisibility greater than the action of the mono in these clear shallow conditions. Also would i be kidding my self trying to use 6 or 8lb fluoro with 1/8 weights on my new baitcasters? is an im8-im9 spinning rod a necessity for feeling these subtle hits? after getting used feeling all the bumps of the rocks i wonder how many hits i never even noticed?
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