And let's not forget the generosity and determination of the "Cajun Navy", a bunch of private citizens who took it upon themselves to head to New Orleans with their small boats, against the wishes of authorities, to help and save whomever they could.
The hurricane watch for Iberia Parish (Louisiana's version of a county) has been officially ended and changed to a tropical storm watch. Sitting here in AC comfort, watching Fear the Walking Dead, thankful for such good fortune but saddened to know that many people to the east of us were probably not so lucky.
Here we had a little gusty wind, the rains haven't yet materialized and, perhaps, a transformer blew a few blocks away.
As I say, very fortunate. Sort of like after Hurricane Andrew back in the early Nineties. We were out of power for over eight days and the neighbors had all got together in the midst of the downed trees and debris for a cook out with all the meat in our freezers. The Red Cross stopped by to ask us what we needed: we told them we could use a little ice for more margaritas if they had any to spare.
Yes, lucky indeed.