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About Josh254

  • Birthday 12/27/1985

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Copperas Cove, TX
  • My PB
    Between 2-3 lbs
  • Favorite Bass
  • Favorite Lake or River
    Fort Hood Area Lakes (Small)

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Minnow (2/9)



  1. This is for when the top water bite goes away and the bass start moving to deeper water the hotter it gets. Though I've noticed that some stay shallow up until 3pm on cloudless days.
  2. I'm having a hard time on what I should be using with the small lake that I fish on and was wondering what lure/rig is appropriate other than top-water. I tried T-Rig and is just sits on top of the weeds, plus there are no holes where it can sink. There is no grass at all, just that mossy crap right under the surface slopping down. There are tree's but they in the middle of lake and can't reach from the bank. Any thoughts would be helpful, I guess I really have to learn the T-Rig all over again...it's frustrating.
  3. Another question I have about this is when I'm fishing a small lake/pond, would it be a good idea to peg the weight?? In these ponds and lakes around here in Texas there is a lot of weeds/moss I guess under the water that doesn't grow above the surface. I would use a 1/4 oz. bullet sinker maybe a 3/16 for a slower fall.
  4. Thanks guys, I really appreciate it alot.
  5. I appreciate the advice, but the big question is how to raise the rod tip. Is it better with forearm or wrist??
  6. Hey everyone, I hope all is good with ya. Lately I've been wondering about the T-Rig retrieves and I forgot how to fish it, so naturally I have a couple of questions that I need answering by you great fisherman. 1) Do Bass hit it more on the fall or is it by dragging on the bottom? 2) If I'm doing a lift and drop technique as far as moving the rod, would I use forearm or wrist to do it? If dragging, would it be steady slow wrist motion upwards or just drag to the side? I appreciate you guys' input and can't thank you enough for answers.
  7. Hello anglers, Today was a good day. I caught a 1.5- 1.75 pound bass this morning. A little choppy but for the most part calm. I went back and we had a storm approach and the winds picked up that the small lake I was fishing on started to white cap a little. I caught a little dink and that was it although I know there had to have been more out there. So my question(s) are: 1. When fishing in windy conditions from the bank, is it best to cast perpendicularly into the wind or parallel? If parallel should it be with back to the wind or with face in the wind? 2. How/Where do the bass tend to position themselves in said conditions (15-25) mph gusts? 3. Best baits to use in high winds? I used spinner baits 3/8 oz. though I do have 1/2 oz. lipless cranks. 4. Boat with no troller motor or electronics? 5. This would be pre-spawn to spawn conditions. 6. Cetral Texas area---small Fort Hood lakes and local lakes. Much appreciated in advance.
  8. The only thing I can say is thus: No matter how hard you try to keep them from being exposed to things you don't like or influenced, they're gonna be. As a parent myself, you have to give them game (manner on how to deal with situations as they arise in their life) and hope and trust that they will make sound judgements with the counsel that you gave them from day 1. Train up a child with great vigor and they will not depart from it. Then at the end of the day if they make bad decisions, all you can do still is just counsel them and then just like fishing be patient and wait for the right thing to happen because we (parents) can't do it for them. Sorry if I went to deep.
  9. I have yet to see those, very interesting. Does anyone think manufacturers will eventually remove the spool tension completely in the future on all casting reels?
  10. Oh wow, I didn't even know there were that many lol. Lets just say the beginner spoons, casting, nano, jigging I suppose would be beginner type spoons right?
  11. I was very happy to fin this thread and see that chart to put things in perspective for me but I was wondering about 1 bait I didn't see there which would be spoons and the various types of them. Could someone tell me what type of rod, line, reel etc. you recommend for those?
  12. Do they make plastic guide shields to protect line from getting knicked by cracked guides by any chance?
  13. Well to be honest the knot was still tied one the fish finder but about 35 yards of line came with it when it snapped.
  14. Aahhhh ok ok. I'll switch rods and cast lighter, for some reason I feel like bait casters can/should be cast far for some reason idk why but in the words of crazy taxi.....lets give it another go. Thank you much gentleman, happy casting, happy fishing. I'm so ready to correct my mistakes and catch fish.
  15. It is the deeper pro fish finder. The knot I used was the standard bass lure knot, knot sure what it's called (pun intended) lol. The cast was overhand cast. Yes it was a harsh backlash after it snapped. Possible I cast it too hard?
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