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    <span style="font-size:12px;"><strong>In a kayak under a bridge NC</strong></span>
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    I fish and stuff.

    Salt, fresh and in between.

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  1. Thank you everyone!
  2. https://scontent-atl3-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t31.0-8/fr/cp0/e15/q65/26060160_1800565099974516_4280612819802273083_o.jpg?_nc_cat=111&efg=eyJpIjoibCJ9&_nc_ohc=wDHnvVVehF0AX8Fa1Py&_nc_ht=scontent-atl3-1.xx&_nc_tp=12&oh=d97c16620c34d523ced8cec210fc1a22&oe=5E9D070E A hosting site is a bit to much work for me. Will see if I have any kayak pics posted anywhere.
  3. Grew up fishing and camping out of a canoe. When moved out on my own did not have the lifestyle or money for a boat of my own. (To busy chasing skirts and drinking beer) In my twenties I got back into fishing and camping. Always streamside as was living in a area where much of the year the water was to shallow to allow a boat. Did not mind as being a few miles from anything but wilderness suits me well. Found a job working 3 days a week with great pay and had even more time to hunt fish and camp. My boss did whitewater kayaking and took me under his wing. Was hooked the first time out! Lost the urge to fish and gave it up for the pursuit of adrenalin. My life became snowboarding and whitewater in the winter and rice rocket riding and whitewater in the warm seasons. Moved to mainland coast of North Carolina a few years back where the rivers are plentyfull and big the sounds and ocean are always acessiable, no snow and the roads are to straight for me to enjoy riding. Found myself to be a fisherman again. Started fishing out of one of my old whitewater kayaks. Not ideal but it was what I had at the time. I learned to surf the waves on the rivers and sound to get back and forth quicker. Was a ton of work in a smooth rounded hull. And even more so in the small rivers or in calm conditions. Wanted to expand my traveling so I bought a field and stream eagle talon already set up and well used. A good boat but tracking in the winds and the bigger waves make it not ideal for the ocean and bigger rivers. Great for small rivers and streams plus it tracks well enough for most smaller rivers. Stable enough and comfortable enough with a good seat to spend a few hours a day on. Decked it out with night lights more rod holders and made a decent crate setup. You really need the lights around me for all the stumps near shore + the boat traffic. Realized I was tired of pushing the (tank) through the water and needed more beer carrying capacity so was keeping my eyes open for something else. Had a yard sale come up on one of my Facebook feeds and noticed a kayak in the background. Decided to have a look as it was only a ten minute drive. The boat is a Prowler 13 ft by Ocean Kayak. They only wanted 200.0 0 for it as it had sun fading, had not been used in a few years and the owner just wanted it gone. 200.00 was a steal. I do not think the weight capacity is any more then the Field and Stream I own, but it takes all the weight much better. Tracks better, takes the waves better, and paddles so much easier. The front hatch design leaves little to be desired as it will take in some water on the rough days. I installed a bilge pump as I like to go out a few times a week for extended trips and it is a concern. I have only used the pump a few times when the weather has gotten out of hand. I would think that their are better boats out there for the same price new but I am happy with it. The canoe I started out my life in? My mom is giving it to me next time I go to visit. It is older then me. Still in really good shape. (aluminum) I am looking forward to some extended camping trips, being able to take the dog with me, and room for even more beer.
  4. Rod holders in crates are nice. A longarm adapter and a three rod holder adapter from Scotty is nice if you are going to be in a smaller stream where overhead branches will become a issue. You could make something with thought and pcv that would be cheap, lite, and just what you need. You can cut, drill, and with some heat even shape pcv. I have a crate with rod holders up front on my current yak and lay my rods on my Scotty setup and across my milkcrate to clear those lower overhead obstacles and at time for a better sweep of my cast. The space behind my seat I prefer to keep my beverages and battery at. You may think about a cut length of pool noodle with a bungie through it to keep your lures handy, able to float. Just stick your hooks in the foam. You can tape, tie in lengths where needed. Will help with noise you may make otherwise grabbing and opening then closing and putting away any box type storage. I know how those PA trout and smallmouth like that quiet. I travel heavy myself but keep a small assortment of frequently used gear at easy access with that method. Currently in NC. have lived in Franklin county PA. originally halling from CT. with a few other states inbetween. Fished all as types of water. As you can see from my post and many of the above most of us travel heavy. Different situations. Hope this helped!
  5. Hello. Have fished a few places in my life. Love the water and having a fish on my line makes it even better. Mostly Kayak fish mile wide rivers and surf fish every few weeks in the Outer Banks. Favorite lure? Hopkins spoons. Favorite bait? Cooked shrimp. If wondering why cooked? Need to eat while paddling? Favorite bass? Striped. Favorite beer? Much! I found this site while on a quest for older Penn reels. In the process of learning to rebuild them. Pleased to meet you! Gabba gabba!
  6. I have a old military zero degree bag. Make for a nice comfy sleeping pad. And if I start to get gold I can always get inside.
  7. . Older post I see. But anyways I fish alot in stumpy water. I go through line on at least a couple of reels a season. Now and then I will have some problems for various reasons. I am past the cheap line. Just do not do it anymore as I am likley to experience the same problems you currently have. Even better line you have that if it is old line or it is not spooled correctly will tangle. Every now and then I will hook up several swivels together with a large strong hook on the end. I will attach it to my mailbox and set my drag to where it spools out easy. Then I walk down the road keeping the line taunt but comming off the end. When I get a couple revolutions only left on the reel I stop and tighten down the drag to where it will have stronger tension but if I am careful will not break the line. Then I reel in keeping tension strong while walking towards my mailbox. Stretches the line and helps it lose memory while insuring it is nice and tight on my spool. My reels I troll with I do this a few time thrueout the year. First sign of a loop on my spool. The advise from the other posters is sound also, Of course with some of my larger reels I go out to a field and do the same in case my neighbors come home and need to pull in their driveways? Hope this helps somebody.
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