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Smells like fish

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Everything posted by Smells like fish

  1. You remember as kids those cool survival knives at the flea market ? I bet @TnRiver46 had one too. Anyway there was always mono fishing line and hooks. I was thinking if we found ourselves having to live for days or even weeks the easiest way to put food in out stomachs could be around creeks or streams which are always filled with life. I tried to put together the smallest possible way to catch small stream fish using straws. I have 30’ of 15# braid (Yozuri ?) 4 little flies which look like size 18 or less hook size and resemble mosquito, ant or gnats. I also played with Gulp and got 4 red worms in a straw and I dried some corn with heavy salt (takes about 20 mins to hydrate and go on smallest hook. What would you guys add to the straw set? What a about a tic tac container size kit? Or even an altoids tin? The kit has to be small enough so that it is something you would carry without burden on every hike or hunting trip or for just a walk in the woods. Any ideas on catching anything to eat around water I would like to hear!!
  2. Good goobly goo, its still just October. I love you guys.
  3. Big rock crushing
  4. Later on in November I am planning a project of Paiute deadfall for raccoon and 24 ga brass wire for squirrel snare. Snare on a leaned up 3-4” diameter log. I hunt the same area yearly and I am familiar with trees and area they are always on the ground. I’ll be living in the woods there for near a week. I can’t see the deadfall working for squirrel as I am only baiting both with what the area provides. Minnows or bluegill for the big deadfall and acorn or hickory but perhaps a persimmon can still be had as they are in the area. thoughts or advice?
  5. I enjoy just about everything that walks swims or crawls but I guess I’d choose deer as that has always been my most commonly ate regular woods feed.
  6. Congratulations on your deer. Don’t forget that bad shots are often recoverable if weather and coyotes allow. I want to give a liver hit 6-8 hours and a stomach hit 24 hours. Any shot that isn’t known where it hit but isn’t found within a hundred yards I’ll back out 12-24 hours too. If you hunt with modern equipment and adequate poundage I have found the wide cut of mechanical heads a big advantage and that’s coming from a man that has killed dozens with Bear Razorheads of the old days as one example.
  7. That would have made for my fav day at school!!
  8. Yep, tell us how it happened so we can avoid lol
  9. I love this pic took on my sisters porch a few mins ago, it looks like something invading from space!!
  10. On the skinny side too.. 2-3 lb if it had lunch before it got accidentally hooked ?
  11. Welcome to BR!
  12. Welcome!!
  13. Welcome to the site Jake!
  14. Welcome!! Great backyard you got!
  15. Welcome to BR!!!
  16. Welcome to BR!!
  17. We have about a 30 to 1 ratio of copperheads to Timber Rattlers here in the southeastern hills and of course all the friendly varieties. The western part of Ky has plenty of Cottonmouths
  18. It amazes me that there is still people that hasn’t had it
  19. As I was planting my sweet corn this morning I was thinking of those sneaky raccoons. It’s gonna be a fight between bugs birds and raccoons over me getting a nibble of my own corn
  20. Just shy of 6… was a beauty before the spawn I bet
  21. Being a creek fisherman, it is the jerkbait, balsa model all year long
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