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  1. My new MK was running backward. The head was installed 180* out. Now by backwards do you mean when you try to go forward you go back and vice versa. Or do you mean the prop actually turns the wrong direction?
  2. I need to put one on mine. Where do you get them and what can I expect to spend?
  3. I also used aluminum treadplate. Works great and was easy to cut and mount.I have more pieces that could be used for the same purpose. I haven't put any grip tape on mine. But then again I dont put my trailer in far enough to get my feet wet.
  4. I believe ALL bodies of water have crawdaddies in em.
  5. I've always used MG motors. I just recently bought my first MK Edge 70. If you buy new, you have to check it very closely. I had to turn the head around on it because it was installed 180* out. Imagine that. So instead of going forward I would go backward. I have only used it once, so I am still not sure what I think of MK. But like the others have said, go with bigger than you think you might need. I went from a 36# to a 70#. Huge difference. Really helps get you out of a cove when the wind is pushing you farther in.
  6. Any parts store should have the trailer harness. I know O'Reily does. Thats where I got mine.
  7. I painted my trailer with spray paint and did it with the boat still on it. Have lots of cardboard on hand.
  8. Dont see why that wouldnt work. Except for the glare from the stainless steel.
  9. The easiest way is to remove the left side cover and slide the spool out. Thread the line through the front of the reel. Tie the line to the spool. Insert the spool back into the reel. Start reeling. Be sure to keep the line tight. If your using braid, you will have to use a mono backer. There should be a diagram in the line box as to how to tie the two together. After a few times you can do it with your eyes shut. Hope this helps.
  10. I just use a butt seat and adjustable pole. Works fine for me. I think the seat is about $20 and the pole is around $30 at BPS.
  11. I tried Spider Wire. Don't waste your money. I have used Power Pro for a couple of years now and love it. Its on all my reels.
  12. Unfortunatly alot of older boats didnt come with a kill switch. I had to add one before I could fish a Media Bass tourny. They arent very expensive and not hard to install if you are the least bit mechanical. I leave my lanyard connected to my vest so if I forget to vest up, the boat wont start. Grab the vest, connect the lanyard to the switch, off I go. Sorry to hear about friend.
  13. I run my bilge about once an hour just to get rid of any water that has collected. A couple of inches is nothing to be concerned with.
  14. I have several Pfluegers. A Pinnacle. An All Star. A Quantum. Even a BPS special. None of these were very expensive and all work great. Alot of times you get a better deal by buying the combo. I like my Pinnacle. It casts good, has a good drag, and seems to be a good all around reel. Most of the time we buy reels for the name stamped on em. There is nothing wrong with a low budget reel. I have 9 of them and havent had any problems with any of them.
  15. I have an Evinrude and you cannot fill it with the engine down. The fill plug in not accessible unless the engine is up.
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